After conquering the port of Gadir (present Cadiz) the explorer Hannon, king of Sidon, decides to fulfill the promise he had made to his wife before she died.
Find a sacred island that exists beyond the columns of Hercules (Strait of Gibraltar) a magical and mysterious island that houses a great secret.
Hannon brings together a group of Phoenician navigators, including his son Baltar.
A fearless and virtuous young Prince, who is looking for new adventures.
The only one who can guide them to this mystical mission is Milesian.
A druid master who knows all the secrets and magic of the universe.
With the trireme (Phoenician ship) over the sea and blown by the wind, they then set off for this incredible adventure. Where the legends and stories told by the Celtic elder will awaken in the young Phoenician the desire to seek great knowledge.
Legends and stories that chronicle the golden age of the age of magic and ancient wisdom. When civilizations built their magnificent cities on the seas and men performed their great deeds, waging their battles in the name of good and evil.
During the trip, many secrets will be revealed, many mysteries will be unveiled. They will sail smoothly across the seas until they are surprised by a phantom island filled with riddles and traps. To return to their home course, they will have to fight time and get rid of the curse of this island, where evil will reveal its face. The only way to end this curse is to light a mysterious tower. And for that they will have to arouse the flame of Orion.
The sacred fire that lit Atlantis.
This island will test its virtues, and provoke its fears by revealing the legend of Aldegaron. An evil dragon serving the evil lord.
The master of all demons.
Milesiano will use all his magic and wisdom to prove to young Baltar that only he is capable of reviving Orion's flame again. The magician and prince then set off on a fantastic journey through the dimensions beyond this world. Where they will have to unravel the mysteries of each. A mystical journey, where there are only two ways to go. One will lead them into the light, the other will leave them in darkness.
Which way will Baltar choose?
He who seeks the great knowledge is able to arouse any flame.
The Orion Flame
The Orion Flame 🔮
The Druid
The Goldland Engineer
Beyond the columns of Hercules
The two Pillars
The Curse of Ghost Island
The Atlantis Legacy
In the bowels of Ghost Island
The shadows of darkness
The Legend of Aldegaron
City of shadows
Natan's heirs
The Order of the Warriors of Light
The Amazon Guardian
Forest spell
The dream world
The blue world
The world of light
Universal Warriors
The world of angels
The sixth portal
The Mystical Land
The glass battle
The light and the darkness
Finding Master Anurius
The Shamballa Relic
The sacred flame
Surprise in the swamp
Running against time
Lighting the way
Ok, I've always had a very fertile imagination, and I love to tell stories.
I think I never ceased to be this Kid who loves to tell his stories.
I think I am a mystical storyteller and also a Destination Composer.
I was 9 years old when I first read the dialogues of Timaeus and Critias written by Plato.
Since that day I wanted to bring Atlantis back, and I decided to do it in a mystical way.
When I wrote this story I wanted to show how important it is for us to evolve with wisdom while respecting and preserving our world, and learning from these mystical forces that govern the universe.
I was not able to bring Atlantis back physically, but I was able to bring this spirit through this mystical story. When I wrote this story, I had the desire to share it with everyone, and now I am able to do it.
Evolving wisely is the best way to become a better human being.
Good reading
The Orion Flame
With love ❤
Blue 🔮
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