
domingo, 31 de janeiro de 2021

Me: Getting ready to hear my heartbroken songs 💙👍


Just so you remember: 

I am not the iron man.  

The iron man is Robert Downey Jr. 

He just lends me his Armor so I can hear my heartbroken songs.  

Unfortunately the armor does not withstand these fire arrows.  

This is very hard !!!  

Just so I know: 

Is anyone else going to release any nore heartbroken song this week? 🎙💔

I need to be ready.  

Thanks Intercospe 💙👍

PS: Robert, can you send me another batch of armor?  

I will need this my friend 🛡


sábado, 30 de janeiro de 2021

Sabadão!!!! 💙


Raça Negra


Esta é a melhor maneira de começar a noite de sábado 👍

Um bom sabadão pra todo mundo 💙

Veleu Thiaguinho e Raça Negra 👑👑

Orgulho do Brasil 💚💛💙

Um oferecimento : 🍺👍

Bem gelada!!!!!! 🍺👍

A melhor é daqui!!! 💚❤💛


quarta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2021

Un regalo para mis hermanos latinos ❤

Versión en español 🎬

Soundtrack 🎶

Amo esta película.  

Este clásico tuvo mucho éxito 

Quiero ver a todos bailando como en esta hermosa película.  

Esta es nuestra música y nuestra cultura.  

Tenemos que estar orgullosos y celebrar esto todos los días.  

Espero que esto te inspire y te haga sonreír.  

Viva la música latina !!!!! ❤


terça-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2021

Happy Birthday brother 💙


The Phantom of the Opera

Today my favorite musical turns 33 years old 💙🕯

My brother is younger than me 🤷‍♂️

PS: My father sent word that he is preparing a new version of this great classic.  

It's going to be called: 

The Phantom of Pop🎙🎸📲

Coming soon to Broadway 🎶👍


Love u ❤ Dad ( Andrew ) 🎹🌹


domingo, 24 de janeiro de 2021

Do you need a new beat? 🔥🔥🔥


Believe me, this amazing song is from the 80s 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

This is Brazilian beat 💚💛💙👍

Fausto Fawcett

Eu adoro essa música!!!! 

Eu não sei quem fez esse remix mas ficou muito bom.

Se colcar esse JAM no Spotify isso vai bombar.

E ai Fausto?

O que tu tá esperando meu irmão? 🤷‍♂️

This song is fire 🔥

Um abraço Brother 💚💛💙


sábado, 23 de janeiro de 2021

One of my favorite series 💙👍


This is one of my favorite series of all time.  

I always wanted to drive this car.  

Does anyone know if they will make a new version of this great classic?  

It's just an idea.  

This would be epic !!!  

This series was very successful in the 90s. 

I like to remember the great classics 👍


terça-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2021

Diplomacy can save lives 💙


This could be a philosophical text, but it is not.  

It is actually a humanist text.  

This is an open letter to my friends from India, China and Russia.  

I am writing this letter on behalf of all Brazilians and also on behalf of all countries in South America. 

I will always fight for peace and the unity of all peoples and all nations.  

I believe that diplomacy is always the best way to bring peace.  

My biggest wish is that every country in the world has the vaccine to immunize everyone.  

When this happens, it will be a historic moment for our world.  

This is the desire that I have in my heart.  

I want every nation in the world to have the vaccine.  

I know that this depends on the organization and logistics of each country, and mainly on diplomacy.  

Only through diplomacy, dialogue and solidarity will we be able to immunize everyone in this world.  

All peoples and all countries need to come together for this to happen.  

This is the time to create an alliance for the life of humanity.  

That is why diplomacy is so important for us to be able to strengthen this bond with all the nations of the world.  

We need to be united, in the name of life, and in the name of humanity.  

I ask that all countries that have the raw material for the vaccine can cordially and kindly give this raw material so that other countries can manufacture the vaccine.  

I know that this can be done through an agreement between the governments of each country.  

This is the case in Brazil, and in the countries of South America. 

We do not have the raw material to manufacture the vaccine.  

We depend on our friends and allies from India, China and Russia.  

There was an agreement for this raw material to come to Brazil, but due to diplomatic problems with the current Brazilian government this did not happen.  

We have health professionals trained and prepared to immunize all Brazilian states.  

We just need the raw material for the vaccine so we can start this immunization work.  

I ask on behalf of Brazil and all Brazilians, and also on behalf of all countries in South America, that our friends from India, China and Russia can open a dialogue with all these countries so that we can have the  vaccine raw material in South America. 

I ask this in the name of science and in the name of the lives of all these people.  

May the embassies and governments of these countries be able to talk to each other so that they can reach a cordial agreement.  

We cannot allow some misunderstandings or things that have been said in the wrong ways to be more noble and more valuable than people's lives and health.  

Everything can be solved with a cordial and sincere conversation.  

Brazil has always had a good relationship with these noble countries that I mentioned here.  

The relationship and friendship that Brazil and the countries of South America have with India, with China with Russia, goes far beyond a commercial partnership.  

It is a strong bond of friendship and respect.  

I hope that this link will be strengthened more and more through our friendship, diplomacy and cordiality.  

I kindly ask on behalf of Brazil and all Brazilians that these negotiations between governments can continue so that we can have the raw material of the vaccine here in South America. 

We need the solidarity of these our noble friends.  

The most important thing is to save people's lives.  

This must be above all.  

All the nations of the world need to come together so that this greater good can reach everyone.  

We have different cultures and speak different languages, but that doesn't stop us from being brothers.  

I also want to leave here my thanks to the neighboring countries of Brazil that formed a chain of solidarity to help Manaus.  

Our brothers in Venezuela sent several oxygen trucks to supply hospitals in Amazonas.  

Thank you for this noble gesture of solidarity.  

I hope this inspires other nations in the world.  

Only united, through solidarity and diplomacy, and on the side of science will we be able to overcome this virus.

Cordially: Alexsandro Ribeiro


segunda-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2021

domingo, 17 de janeiro de 2021

Uma vitoria da ciência 💙


"Nunca subestime a ciência"  

Esta é uma grande vitória para o Brasil e para todos os brasileiros. 

Isto é como  vencer uma copa do mundo. 

Se todo mundo jogar junto no mesmo time, todos sairão vitoriosos. 

Para isto é preciso acima de tudo ser otimista, e saber jogar junto. 

Eu espero que em breve todos os brasileiros possam comemorar juntos esta grande vitória pela vida. 

Parabéns aos nobres cientistas da Anvisa e do Instituto Butantan, e também a todos os profissionais do SUS por terem trabalhado incansávelmente para que hoje pudéssemos ter esta grande notícia. 

A vacina "Chinesa" tão criticada pelo atual governo será responsável por salvar a vida de milhões de brasileiros. 

Que isto sirva de lição. 

Nunca subestime a ciência, e não se esqueça que a diplomacia é  soberana. 

Ao invés de fechar as fronteiras e construir muros, abra seu coração e sua mente. 

A diplomacia e o respeito pelas outras nações é sempre o melhor caminho. 

Nós vivemos num mundo globalizado onde um depende do outro. 

A unica coisa que nos difere é a nossa cultura e o nosso idioma. 

Nós só teremos um mundo melhor e mais justo se todos os países e todos os povos estiverem unidos. 

Quero também parabenizar o governador de São Paulo, João Doria, pelo seu empenho e diálogo com a China para que pudéssemos ter a Coronavac no Brasil. 

E também o meu agradecimento a todos os governadores que estão se empenhando para proteger a vida de todas estas pessoas. 

O governador do Rio Grande do Sul  é um grande exemplo de liderança nesta pandemia. 

A logística aqui no Rio Grande do Sul já está pronta para receber a vacina. 

Parabéns pelo teu empenho, Eduardo Leite. 

Somente juntos e do lado da ciência poderemos vencer este vírus. 

Eu quero deixar bem claro que eu não faço parte de nenhum partido político. 

As minhas divergências com o atual governo não é pessoal. 

Eu apenas estou cumprindo o meu dever. 

Eu sempre vou cobrar quando eu tiver que cobrar, e sempre vou apoiar quando eu tiver que apoiar. 

Minhas críticas são e sempre serão construtivas.

Quando eu tiver que cobrar eu vou cobrar, e vou incomodar. 

Independentedemente do partido ou de quem estiver no governo ou na presidência. 

Quem lutar pelo povo brasileiro e fizer a coisa certa, terá o meu apoio. 

Quem for negacionista e fizer tudo errado ou não fazer nada, então eu vou cobrar. 

Como dizia o mestre Zagalo: 

"Vocês vão ter que me engolir". 

Eu estou aqui para lutar pelo Brasil e pelo povo brasileiro. 

Isto está acima de qualquer partido politico. 

Eu luto pelo que eu acredito, mesmo que eu tenha que lutar sozinho por isto. 

Eu acredito na minha força e na minha capacidade, e também no meu otimismo e na minha inteligência.  

Eu espero ter deixado isto bem claro.

Que deus abençoe o nosso Brasil. 

Estamos juntos 💚💛💙

Alexsandro Ribeiro 


sábado, 16 de janeiro de 2021

S.O.S Manaus 💙


Nós estamos vivendo umas das situações mais críticas e mais tristes da História do nosso país por causa dessa pandemia. 

A situação de Manaus é mais do que crítica. 

O número de infectados é exorbitante. 

As pessoas estão morrendo por falta de oxigênio nas UTIs. Isto inclui as UTIs pediátricas. 

Deixar estes pacientes  morrerem por falta de oxigênio é uma negligencia muito grave.

Não podemos deixar isto se estender. 

Nós precisamos unir forças e salvar Manaus enquanto ainda há tempo. 

Nós não podemos deixar estas pessoas ficarem nesta situação crítica. 

Cada cilindro de oxigênio pode salvar uma vida. 

Eu peço a colaboração de todo mundo, dos artistas, dos empresários, dos bancários, da imprensa, e de todo mundo que puder contribuir na compra e no envio destes cilindros de oxigênio. 

Nós precisamos salvar Manaus!!!! 

Eu deixo aqui todo o meu apoio e agradecimento a todos aqueles que tomaram esta iniciativa e estão ajudando a salvar as vidas destas pessoas. 

Eu estou vendo muitos artistas se unindo em nome desta causa nobre. 

Eu peço gentilmente que mais pessoas se conscientizem disso. 

Os jogadores e dirigentes de futebol também podem ajudar. 

Se cada um de nós fizermos a nossa parte, poderemos amenizar esta situação. 

Eu também quero pedir a todos os governadores que unam suas forças, e criem uma força tarefa para puder transferir  estes pacientes para outros estados que tenham vagas nas UTIs. 

E também que sejam criados hospitais de campanha para que possam atender mais pacientes. 

Todos os estados precisam estar unidos agora. 

Nós não podemos deixar estas pessoas morrerem por negligência e incompetência. 

O exército também tem que se mobilizar. 

Chegou a hora de agir!!!! 

Isto não tem nada a haver com política. 

O mais importante agora é salvar essas vidas. 

Bolsonaro, a tua irresponsabilidade chegou no limite. 

Que tipo de presidente você é????? 

Até onde vai a tua arrogância e a tua burrice? 

Você realmente acredita que você representa o Brasil e o povo brasileiro? 

Seja homem e assuma as tuas responsabilidades, porra!!!!!! 

Tira a bunda dessa cadeira e vai pra Manaus dar apoio a todas estas pessoas!!!! 

Tenha respeito por estas famílias!!!

Vai ficar do lado do povo!!!!

Vai em cada hospital de Manaus e em todo o Amazonas dar apoio a todos os profissionais da saúde que estão lutando para salvar essas vidas.  

Cumpra o teu dever de presidente da República. 

Cumpra o teu dever de chefe de estado. 

Honrre as bolas que tu tem no meio das pernas. 

Seja homem, Bolsonaro!!!!  

Cumpra o teu dever e a tua obrigação. 

Vai dar apoio ao povo manauense. 

Assina logo a autorização para liberar a porra dessa vacina!!!!!

Chega desse joguinho político. 

A vida e a saúde das pessoas é mais importante.

Se tu não é capaz de honrar o povo brasileiro então é melhor tu assinar a tua carta de demissão. 

Você não queria ser o presidente do Brasil? 

Tu deu a cara para bater. 

Agora assuma as tuas responsabilidades!!!!! 

O recado está dado!!! 

Maia, sai de cima do muro e faz o que tu tem que fazer. 

Coloca em votação essa porra de impeachment. 

Onde estão os políticos honestos deste país?

Até quando o Brasil será governado pelo negacionoismo?

Chegou a hora de dar um basta nisso!!!! 

Deixo aqui todo o meu apoio e solidariedade ao povo manauense.

Estamos juntos 💙

Que deus abençoe o Brasil 💚💛💙


quinta-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2021

A beautiful inspiration 💙


This is one of the most beautiful performances I have ever seen in my life.  

When an artist sings with his soul, his music transcends beyond the infinite.  

A place where only God is able to lead us.  

Music has this magic when sung with the soul.  

When Sinead sings this beautiful song you see it, hear it, and feel it deeply in your heart.  

This is something that only music is capable of giving us.  

Here we see the magic of two music legends.  

Prince made this song for Sinead's soul.  

This is exactly what you see here in every second of this video.  

May this inspire all those who believe in this magic.  

Music can change the world and light up every heart on this planet.  

Music is a gift from God to human beings.  

Thank you for enlightening us with your beautiful soul, Sinead ❤👑

God bless you 💙


quarta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2021

Back to my childhood 💙🏁

I've always loved racing cartoons 💙👍

This is my favorite racing cartoon of all time.  

I watched all the episodes and also the new version that was made in the 90's. 

I was 5 years old when I started watching this cartoon classic.  

I remember all the races.  

This is Epic🚦🛣

"I never doubted the power of a great classic".  

I'm glad I can go back to my childhood 🙋‍♂️⛽


sábado, 9 de janeiro de 2021

How Democracies Die - Steven Levitsky & Daniel Ziblatt 🎤📚


This is for those who still don't understand what happens when democracies die.  

This is a lesson that we should never forget.  There is a huge difference in supporting a loyal, just and humanist ruler.  

Chosen with the noble principles of democracy than the fanaticism imposed by fascist and authoritarian leaders.  

That by vanity and greed destroy the noblest principles of humanity.  

The pillars that underpin democracy must never be corrupted or destroyed.  

I hope that everyone has learned this valuable lesson.

Some more examples:

I hope this helps you understand 💙👍


quinta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2021

Psalm 94 💙

O Lord God, to whom vengeance belongeth; O God, to whom vengeance belongeth, shew thyself.

2 Lift up thyself, thou judge of the earth: render a reward to the proud.

3 Lord, how long shall the wicked, how long shall the wicked triumph?

4 How long shall they utter and speak hard things? and all the workers of iniquity boast themselves?

5 They break in pieces thy people, O Lord, and afflict thine heritage.

6 They slay the widow and the stranger, and murder the fatherless.

7 Yet they say, The Lord shall not see, neither shall the God of Jacob regard it.

8 Understand, ye brutish among the people: and ye fools, when will ye be wise?

9 He that planted the ear, shall he not hear? he that formed the eye, shall he not see?

10 He that chastiseth the heathen, shall not he correct? he that teacheth man knowledge, shall not he know?

11 The Lord knoweth the thoughts of man, that they are vanity.

12 Blessed is the man whom thou chastenest, O Lord, and teachest him out of thy law;

13 That thou mayest give him rest from the days of adversity, until the pit be digged for the wicked.

14 For the Lord will not cast off his people, neither will he forsake his inheritance.

15 But judgment shall return unto righteousness: and all the upright in heart shall follow it.

16 Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?

17 Unless the Lord had been my help, my soul had almost dwelt in silence.

18 When I said, My foot slippeth; thy mercy, O Lord, held me up.

19 In the multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul.

20 Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee, which frameth mischief by a law?

21 They gather themselves together against the soul of the righteous, and condemn the innocent blood.

22 But the Lord is my defence; and my God is the rock of my refuge.

23 And he shall bring upon them their own iniquity, and shall cut them off in their own wickedness; yea, the Lord our God shall cut them off.


terça-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2021

My new projections for 2021 and probably for the rest of my life 💙👍


Until last year I was experiencing the same scene in this film. 

But now I decided to listen to my inner devil. 

I'm going to be single and I'm going to enjoy life. 

I always did everything right and I was always judged because of that, so now I decided to be definitely single.

I don't want to be seriously committed to anyone. 

I am open to new relationships and new experiences. 

There are people who are born to marry but I found out that this is not my case. 

I have to accept my reality. 

Always single, never alone 👨‍🚀👍

Thanks for opening my eyes Al. 👍

I still have a lot to learn


domingo, 3 de janeiro de 2021

"Cause and effect" 💙 ⚖


"Impious and dishonest people will always fall to their knees at the feet of the righteous.

The universe always manifests itself in favor of the truth.  

Impious and dishonest people will never be worthy to live on this planet.  

"Nothing or no one can escape the law"


sexta-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2021

Are you ready to evolve? 💙



Everything in the universe is connected.  

Cosmic energy, like all energy, is cyclical.  

Where it all begins is where it all ends, and where it all ends is where it all begins.

How is the universe is life.  

This is the great mystery.  

This is the magic 🔮

I hope this inspires you in your spiritual quest and also in your novels, your new songs and movies.  

We are here to inspire each other.  

Whoever inspires people inspires the world.  

This is the inspiration.  

I wish everyone a beautiful and prosperous New Year.  

May the good vibes of this new era that is coming make this year a special year for all of us.  

With much love, light and hope.  

May we celebrate together as human beings, as friends, as brothers and sisters of all nations.  May we celebrate together the great achievements that this new era is bringing.  

May this light be in everyone's heart.  

I'm leaving for the holiday season.  

I worked hard this past year.  

I really need a vacation

I live in another dimension but here we also take a vacation.  

In fact, I will complete my studies in the higher dimensions.  

I hope my teachers are not angry with me.  

I think I said more than I should this last season.  

I was always a rebellious student and I always talked too much.  

Universal lawmakers are always warning me.  

My older cousins ​​were luckier than me.  

One had an ark, and the other had a staff.  

I just have this blog.  

How could I do this without manifesting cosmic energies?  

The laws of the universe exist to be obeyed.  

Nothing or anyone can escape the law.

Wisdom is available to all conscious beings in the universe.  

But only those who understand these laws will be able to turn on this light.

Anyway, I always read the manual.  

Do not worry.  

Before my birthday I will be back.  

For those who do not remember or do not know, I have a birthday on July 25th.  

I love perfumes.  

Especially imported ones.  

In case you have any questions about my birthday present, now you know what I like.  

I won't be here but if you want to speak to me we can speak by telepathy.  

Just think about me and I'll feel the vibrations.  

The magic exists.  

You just need to believe.  

A happy and inspired 2021 for all of you.  

God bless you all 💙

Alexsandro Ribeiro


Write your poetry 💙


Choose your verse and write your poetry.  

Live your passions, your romances, and everything that makes you happy.  

Value your life and make every second of this life worthwhile.  

Open your heart and your mind and live new experiences and everything you always wanted to live.  

A new year always comes so that we can renew our hopes and make our dreams come true.  

If you are here then there is a reason.  

Life is happening right now.  

All you have to do is live it all.  

You write your story.  

You are free to choose what is best for you.

Happy 2021 ⭐
