
segunda-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2024

⚠️Where are the world leaders??????


What sets you apart from Hitler? 

If you truly have respect for the memory of the more than 6 million Jews who were murdered by the Nazis then why are you doing the same thing to the women and children of Gaza? 

You are using your powerful army to kill women, children and the elderly without giving them the chance to protect and defend themselves. 

This is cruel and inhumane!!!

 This is a genocide!!!!

You will be part of the hall of tyrants and bloodthirsty. 

This is how you will be seen in history books.

These are the terrorists you are punishing?

I want to make it very clear that I strongly condemn the terrorist attack committed by Hamas against the people of Israel, just as I strongly condemn the genocide that Benjamin Netanyahu is committing in Gaza, killing innocent women and children.

If this continues, Gaza will become an open-air concentration camp. 

 Where are the world leaders? 

 Why is no one fighting for world peace? 

 Is there no courageous and worthy leader capable of signing a peace agreement between Israel and the Arab countries to definitively end these conflicts in the Middle East?

 How long will we have to watch this genocide online? 

 How many women and children still have to die for this peace agreement to be made? 

You are watching Palestinians being executed in this genocide and why don't you do something to stop it?  

Where are the human rights?  

How many more human beings will have to die in this carnage before the independent state of Palestine is created?

 I demand that Hamas release the Israeli hostages and that Netanyahu's army stops this massacre in Gaza!

Hamas terrorists and Benjamin Netanyahu must be responsible for these war crimes and crimes against humanity! 

 I hope that the International Court of Justice will enforce humanitarian rights and convict those responsible for all these crimes.

All those who are complicit in the terrorist attacks committed by Hamas and those who are complicit in the Genocide that is happening in Gaza also have their hands covered in blood!

The world needs peace, not wars!

Alexsandro Ribeiro.

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