sábado, 27 de agosto de 2022

Quotes 🔮


"Love is the purest expression of this life. 

If you truly love and are truly loved, the whole universe embraces you. 

True love stories are those that are written in the stars to last forever. 

Whoever believes in true love and knows how to wait for the right time to arrive, will live a beautiful and true love story. 

Time and distance do not exist for those who truly love.

"The greatest lesson in this life comes through love and compassion and not through hate and revenge.

"Time is wise and always brings the answers we need. 

Storms come so that a new sun can rise on the horizon. 

If you believe in yourself and take the time to improve your knowledge and wisdom you will have all the answers you need. 

The universe will always manifest itself in your favor and bring you many good things. The only thing you need to do is mentalize it, believe it and manifest it.

"The great lessons of this life are the ones we learn and not the ones we teach. 

We are all students in this world, even the masters.

Blue Fantasma  💙🔮

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