
quinta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2021

Life is a Battle! 💙👑


Life is a battle!

You must enter this arena willing to fight. 

Fight for your own survival. 

Fight for what you believe. 

Fight for your ideas. 

Fight for those who need you. 

Facing this battle is not so easy but if you believe in yourself, in your strength and in your ability you will win in the end. 

Even if you have to face an army and the whole world is against you, if you believe in yourself and in your strength, then you will win this battle. 

Our strength and our courage are within us. 

You need to keep this flame burning within you to awaken your faith. 

God only manifests to those who believe in themselves and their own abilities. 

This force and this light is within you. 

Don't lose your faith. 

Don't lose your light. 

Do not surrender in this battle. 


Trust your intuition.  

God and the universe are always on the side of the good and the righteous.

Don't lower your head to anyone. 

Don't let anyone tell you what you should or have to do. 

Don't let anyone humiliate you. 

Respect people but also make them respect you too.

Learn to defend yourself. 

Learn to fight in this arena. 

Fight for the people you love. 

Fight for your freedom. 

Use your wits and wisdom so that the arrows don't hit you. 

In a battle the most important thing is strategy and not strength. 

Fighting for other people and what you believe is the same as fighting for yourself. 

Never give up fighting. 

Believe in your strength and your faith. 

At the end of the battle you will be rewarded with Victory 👑

Happy and prosperous 2022 to everyone!!!

Blue 💙

quarta-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2021

My brother BamBam made a new song 💙👑👍


This song and this video clip is very beautiful.  

The choreography is also amazing.  

This is art made with the soul of artists.  

Congratulations on your brilliant work my brother.

God bless you 💙

Love u ❤ BamBam 👑 and ❤ Seulgi 👑

Blue 💙

quinta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2021

Are we already in March? 💙👑


I will never understand this.  

To this day I don't understand why everyone celebrates the birthday of Jesus Christ in December.  

He was born in March. 

He is Pisces!!!!

Zechariah prophesied the Messiah's prophecy correctly based on the cosmological dates of the new millennium.  

I honestly will never understand this Roman calendar.  

In 525 A.D they changed Jesus' birthday to December to not coincide with the pagan commemorative dates.  

This happened in the Constantine period.  

Pope John I just made this date official.  

It's all the pagans' fault!!!  

I think it was because they didn't kneel down to pay for the sins of the Holy Inquisition that would come later, killing hundreds and thousands of innocent people in the name of the Holy Cross.  

Coincidentally, the inquisition ended on March 31, 1821. 

There were only 300 years of deaths, tortures and massacres.  

Some incredulous people still question why we are in the middle of a pandemic??????  

I would be particularly furious if my birthday was changed.  

Okay, I was born on the 25th of July.  

This day is considered the day out of time.  

The 25th of July does not exist in the Maya calendar.  

It's a magical day.  

It's a Cosmic day.  

I think that's why no one congratulates me on my birthday.  

This is not the fault of nice, educated people.  

This is the fault of the day out of time.  

Anyway, the birthday of Jesus Christ was to be celebrated in March. 

But what counts is the intention.  

It is a date for us to look inside ourselves and reflect on our mistakes and successes.  

Christmas and New Year always bring renewal.  

A chance to start over and be better human beings.  

The greatest gift we have is life and the privilege of sharing love.  

Happiness is the reward for those who understand it and practice it.  

Love is the greatest lesson of this life.  

If you understand this lesson then you will be happy.  

This is what I wish for everyone everywhere in the world: Love, health and happiness.  

Mainly health!!!  

The world needs a lot of health, but this will only happen if generosity is put into practice.  

Every life on this planet matters!!!!  

If the richest countries had thought about this and had helped the poorest countries to develop the vaccine so that these emerging and needy countries could vaccinate everyone, we wouldn't have a new variant now.  

Maybe Omicron is here to tell us this.  

If all countries in the world don't help each other, we won't be able to defeat this virus.  

Everyone needs to be united and vaccinated.  

Let's share love and help each other, especially the poorest and neediest people in this world.  

This would be a beautiful birthday gift for Jesus Christ this Christmas.  

Even though his birthday is in March he would be happy.  

I want to clarify that I don't give orders and I don't own the truth.  

I'm just an instructor to the stars.  

I am on this primitive planet just passing through to fulfill a universal mission of evolution.  

My home is in Orion.  

Anyway, I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a prosperous 2022.  

May God and the Universe bless everyone.

Let us receive the new energies and vibrations of the new Era 💙

The new era is of Aquarius but Jesus is Pisces. 💙👍

Blue 💙

domingo, 19 de dezembro de 2021

Francesco 💙 🎬


Soundtrack 🎶

"The real value a human being should have is in his good deeds and in the kindness of his heart.

"God values ​​and appreciates the light and kindness that exists in people's hearts and souls, not what they have in their pockets.

Blue 💙

sexta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2021

Psalm 18 💙👑


I will love thee, O'Lord, my strength.

The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the power of my salvation, and my high tower.

 I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies.

 The sorrows of death compassed me, and the floods of ungodly men made me afraid.

 The sorrows of hell compassed me about: the snares of death prevented me.

 In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried unto my God: he heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears.

 Then the earth shook and trembled; the foundations also of the hills moved and were shaken, because he was wroth.

There went up a smoke out of his nostrils, and fire out of his mouth devoured: coals were kindled by it.

 He bowed the heavens also, and came down: and darkness was under his feet.

And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly: yea, he did fly upon the wings of the wind.

He made darkness his secret place; his pavilion round about him were dark waters and thick clouds of the skies.

At the brightness that was before him his thick clouds passed, hail stones and coals of fire.

The Lord also thundered in the heavens, and the Highest gave his voice; hail stones and coals of fire.

Yea, he sent out his arrows, and scattered them; and he shot out lightnings, and discomfited them.

Then the channels of waters were seen, and the foundations of the world were discovered at thy rebuke, O Lord, at the blast of the breath of thy nostrils.

He sent from above, he took me, he drew me out of many waters.

He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them which hated me: for they were too strong for me.

They prevented me in the day of my calamity: but the Lord was my stay.

He brought me forth also into a large place; he delivered me, because he delighted in me.

The Lord rewarded me according to my righteousness; according to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me.

For I have kept the ways of the Lord, and have not wickedly departed from my God.

For all his judgments were before me, and I did not put away his statutes from me.

I was also upright before him, and I kept myself from mine iniquity.

Therefore hath the Lord recompensed me according to my righteousness, according to the cleanness of my hands in his eyesight.

With the merciful thou wilt shew thyself merciful; with an upright man thou wilt shew thyself upright;

With the pure thou wilt shew thyself pure; and with the froward thou wilt shew thyself froward.

For thou wilt save the afflicted people; but wilt bring down high looks.

For thou wilt light my candle: the Lord my God will enlighten my darkness.

For by thee I have run through a troop; and by my God have I leaped over a wall.

As for God, his way is perfect: the word of the Lord is tried: he is a buckler to all those that trust in him.

For who is God save the Lord? or who is a rock save our God?

It is God that girdeth me with strength, and maketh my way perfect.

He maketh my feet like hinds' feet, and setteth me upon my high places.

He teacheth my hands to war, so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms.

Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation: and thy right hand hath holden me up, and thy gentleness hath made me great.

Thou hast enlarged my steps under me, that my feet did not slip.

I have pursued mine enemies, and overtaken them: neither did I turn again till they were consumed.

I have wounded them that they were not able to rise: they are fallen under my feet.

For thou hast girded me with strength unto the battle: thou hast subdued under me those that rose up against me.

Thou hast also given me the necks of mine enemies; that I might destroy them that hate me.

They cried, but there was none to save them: even unto the Lord, but he answered them not.

Then did I beat them small as the dust before the wind: I did cast them out as the dirt in the streets.

Thou hast delivered me from the strivings of the people; and thou hast made me the head of the heathen: a people whom I have not known shall serve me.

As soon as they hear of me, they shall obey me: the strangers shall submit themselves unto me.

The strangers shall fade away, and be afraid out of their close places.

The Lord liveth; and blessed be my rock; and let the God of my salvation be exalted.

It is God that avengeth me, and subdueth the people under me.

He delivereth me from mine enemies: yea, thou liftest me up above those that rise up against me: thou hast delivered me from the violent man.

Therefore will I give thanks unto thee, O Lord, among the heathen, and sing praises unto thy name.

Great deliverance giveth he to his king; and sheweth mercy to his anointed, to David, and to his seed for evermore.


terça-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2021

IVE 💝 👑👑👑👑👑👑


IVE    💝 👑👑👑👑👑👑

This song is amazing!!!  

I love this song with all my heart.  

This video clip is beautiful and magical.  

Congratulations to these beautiful IVE princesses.  

This debut album has a very special energy.  


I love and admire all K-pop artists.  

The world is so much more beautiful when you all make your beautiful songs and amazing video clips.  

The future of music is coming on the wings of these brilliant artists.  

I love our Asian brothers and sisters very much.  

I love you so much, Princesses ❤

Love u ❤ IVE 💝 👑👑👑👑👑👑

Blue 💙

Another normal day 💙♟


This song is a real Bop!!! 🎯

This is pure fire Bro!!  

I always find pearls at the bottom of the ocean.

Blue 💙

quinta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2021

You choose your Gremlin 💙👍


If you are nice to me and if you are kind and treat me with respect, you will take the nice and cute Gremlin with you.

But you're not nice to me, and if you're evil and dishonest to me, and play dirty games with me and hurt the people I love, then you're going to take the Evil Gremlin with you.

PS: I've read every book by Freud and every major psychoanalyst in history.  

I understand deeply about this and so many other subjects.  

I read over 8,000 books.  

If you want to discuss this with me my DM is open but if you prefer to continue your dirty and dishonest games then Fuck You!

Blue 💙

quarta-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2021

Overture 💙👑


"The voice of silence makes my words invincible.  

Lightning lights the darkest storms and thunders herald the triumph of God.  

As long as the flame of goodness and justice is lit in the hearts of good people, the shadow of evil cannot rule this world.

Blue 💙

domingo, 28 de novembro de 2021

The sword of the righteous! 💙⚔


This is one of the things I like to do the most: 

Cut off the demons heads.⚔

God always puts the sword of the righteous into the hands of the noble warriors of this world!

Divine justice is greater than the wickedness of evil, malicious and dishonest people.

God is fair!!! 👑⚔

Blue 💙

quarta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2021

The eye of God 💙


God always protects the good and noble spirits of this world.  

There will always be those noble and kind spirits who will bring light to this Planet.  

Unfortunately this world is getting darker and darker and more and more contaminated by the evil of evil people.  

As long as evil, malice, arrogance, selfishness, prejudice and ignorance persist in people's hearts and souls, it will be impossible to bring light to this world.  

Only those spirits who are worthy of being in this world may live in peace and harmony.

Blue 💙

Luck Game 💙🃏


Always bet on Blue!!! 💙👍

"Never doubt the power of a great classic!"

Blue 💙

terça-feira, 23 de novembro de 2021

Me: After seeing the list of Grammy nominees 💙 👀


I could write a long text, but I'm just going to congratulate this year's Grammy nominees.  

Congratulations to all the amazing and talented artists nominated, especially the beautiful music queens.  

This is a celebration of music and art.  

This year has been a very difficult year and the music and art of these noble artists has been a light and an inspiration to every heart in this world.  

If there is music, there is still hope.  

If there is music, it is still possible to dream.  

Congratulations and good luck to all of this year's Grammy nominated artists.  

Jon Batiste, congratulations on your 11 nominations.  

This is very deserved.  

You are one of the most brilliant artists and musicians on this planet.  

Your album is a true masterpiece.  

The beauty and light of your soul is in every song you made.  

Congratulations, my noble brother  💙👑

Blue 💙

terça-feira, 16 de novembro de 2021

Can you help me Zuckerberg? 🎧📲👍

My brother, I am having difficulty learning some languages ​​here.  

I am trying to learn Korean, Chinese, Thai and Japanese simultaneously, but I think I will need at least two years to learn to speak these languages ​​fluently.  

Can't you help me solve this faster and more practically?  

I am thinking of creating a high-tech translator device.  

I'm not telling you to implant a chip in people's heads.  

This will still take some time to do.  

I want something simpler.  

A high-tech translator device the size of a hearing aid.  

Something that has enough technology to translate every language in the world.  

The person speaks to you in Russian or Greek and you listen in your language.  

Everyone from all over the world will be able to talk and understand each other.  

You will be able to travel to every country in the world and you will be able to speak and understand everyone's language.  

You don't need to put a robotic voice in the handheld auditory translator.  

The translator will automatically select a voice similar to the voice of the person speaking to you.  

This would be a revolution.  

This high-tech translator device would be a very important tool for the Metaverso. 

This would help me a lot and it would make my life easier.  

I think this is not something impossible to do.  

Has anyone thought of doing something like this?  

You could talk to Bezos and Musk to develop this technology.  

This would be a world revolution.  

You and our  space-age friends create the high-tech translator device and then we settle my share of the deal.  

I give futuristic ideas and you put it into practice.  

So we have a deal?  

Okay, you create the high-tech translator device and send me two via Fedex.  

I am in need of this technology urgently. 

 I count on your help my meta brother 💙📲👍

PS: I also have a really good idea for creating a teleport machine, but that's for a next post.  

I am very busy learning Mandarin and the other Asian languages.  

I hope you can help me my brother.  

I like to bring new ideas to my futuristic autotech friends.

Blue 💙

terça-feira, 9 de novembro de 2021

Condolence Message 💙


I just want to leave this message of condolences to the families of the victims and the hundreds of people who were hurt at the Texas music festival last weekend.  

This is a sad and regrettable tragedy.  

I follow the news from where I am and I cannot be indifferent to what happened.  

I have a lot of friends in the music industry and I respect and admire these people a lot.  

I'm not an event promoter, but from what I've seen here, I realized that there was an event security breach that triggered this tragedy.  

I can't say if there was any negligence, but if there was negligence on the part of security and festival producers then this needs to be investigated.  

From my point of view, I think this type of event needs to be restructured and replanned.  

Mainly the security that needs to be redoubled and better prepared.  

People have been trapped in their homes for two years.  

Everything is being released now very quickly and unconsciously.  

We are still living in a pandemic.  

Life has not yet returned to normal.  

This will be a somewhat lengthy process, until everything can get back to normal again.  

The excitement of people at this type of event is something that will not be so easy to control.  

People have been trapped in the cage for two years.  

They want to overflow, dance, jump, without limits.  

This can cause various accidents and clutter.  

If this is not controlled at the beginning then it will be impossible to control.  

It is necessary for all music festival and event producers around the world to restructure and reorganize themselves.  

Mainly on the issue of security.  

It is necessary to recreate the way of making music festivals and events.  

A concert ticket cannot be more valuable than a human life.  

This needs to be rethought.  

I leave here my condolences to the victims, the families, and the artists who suffered this sad tragedy.  

I hope all artists, managers and producers of music festivals and arts events are aware of this.  

This is a matter of respect and responsibility.  

People's lives and safety are more important than money.

May everything be resolved in the best possible way.  

God bless you all 💙

Blue 💙




domingo, 7 de novembro de 2021

Uma mensagem de luz 💙


Mansão do Caminho    💙

"A morte não é o fim e sim um novo começo  para uma nova vida"

Os nobres e bons seres humanos deste mundo sempre serão guiados pela sua própria luz.

Cada um de nós tem uma missão a cumprir neste planeta hospitalar.

Uns vem para curar as dores dos outros, e a maioria vem para serem curados. 

O amor é a maior lição desta vida. 

Blue 💙

terça-feira, 2 de novembro de 2021

Overture 💙🗡🛡 ⚖


"Divine justice is neither in the sword nor in the wickedness of evil men.  

Divine justice is at the heart of humanity.  

Whoever fights for one, fights for everyone 🗡🛡⚖

Alexsandro Ribeiro 💙

sexta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2021

Mi fuerza es mi luz 💙🌅


Yo soy lo que soy    💙👑

"El sol trasciende el amor en mi corazón y la luz en mi alma.  

"Escribo las palabras de mi corazón con mi luz.

"Igne Natura Renovatur Integra"

Yo soy lo que soy      🌅

Blue 💙👑

sexta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2021

Regeneration 💙👑


जैसा ब्रह्मांड है, वैसा ही जीवन है। जो कुछ भी मरता है उसका पुनर्जन्म होता है। जो कुछ भी नष्ट होता है वह फिर से बनाया जाता है। हमारे ग्रह को पुनर्जीवित करने के लिए नए बीज बोना आवश्यक है। इस दुनिया से क्रूर और बुरी आत्माओं की दुष्टता का नाश हो जाएगा। अंधकार कभी सफल नहीं होगा प्रकाश। पुनर्निर्माण का समय आ गया है। अपना विश्वास बनाए रखें और अपने विचारों को सकारात्मक रखें। इस दुनिया में आप जो भी दयालुता और दान करते हैं, वह ब्रह्मांड द्वारा पुरस्कृत किया जाएगा। ब्रह्मांडीय दरार खुली है।

"मैं पुनर्निर्माण के लिए नष्ट कर देता हूं"   👑

मैं प्रेम देने के लिए धर्म अर्जित करता हूं।  👑

अँधेरे को हल्का करने के लिए मुझे प्रकाश मिलता है। 👑

सार्वभौमिक कानूनों की अवहेलना नहीं की जा सकती।

ब्रह्मांड हमेशा अपने देनदारों को इकट्ठा करता है।

सार्वभौम कानून पूरा होगा

Blue 💙 👑

quinta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2021

ฉันอยู่กับคุณเสมอที่รักของฉัน 💛👑


เราคือจักรวาล  👑🔥👑

ฉันปกป้องเธอด้วยแสงแห่งความรักของเรา ❤

ผมรักคุณ  💛 👑


sábado, 9 de outubro de 2021

This is my favorite season 🎃👻👿🕷🧛‍♀️🧟‍♀️😱


I love Halloween!!! 🎃🕸🕷

In case you didn't know, Beetlejuice is my uncle. 🐞🍊

We belong to the same ghost family from hell. 🔥🔥🔥👻👍

I'm dreaming about it!!!!  

I'm going to make the entire universe manifest for this to happen soon.  

I need to watch my uncle's new movie.  

This will be spookily iconic!! 😱

Love u Tim ❤ Michael ❤ Winona ❤

Geena ❤ and  Alec ❤


segunda-feira, 4 de outubro de 2021

I love Deep Forest 💙🍃


Deep Forest  🎶🍃

These amazing songs are an inspiration to the world.  

Thanks to my brothers of Deep Forest 💙🍃

This is a unique experience 👍


I told my uncle to stop playing these games 💚 🕹👍


I'm sorry Mark Zuckerberg.  

My uncle didn't take down your social media on purpose.  

It's not his fault that everyone from all over the world is talking about the smashing success of his series.

Okay, Uncle 001, you can play these games for another 9 seasons 🕹👍

I love these games too.  

This is in our family's blood 🕹 🎲 🧩 🎰

A hug to all my friends players of this amazing series 🎯👍


domingo, 3 de outubro de 2021

A beautiful song to brighten up your life 💙 🌌


This song is very beautiful and inspiring.  

May all this good energy and good vibes reach every heart on planet Earth ❤🌍

A hug to my brothers from Coldplay and BTS 💙


quarta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2021

A True Classic 🔮🎩🎶👍


I definitely love the 80s and 90s 💙

That's a real Bop!!!  

I have all these classics on my hat, I'm sorry I meant in my head 🧠👍

"Never doubt the power of a great classic"


Parabéns ao cinema Brasileiro 📽 🇧🇷


Este filme é uma obra de arte do cinema brasileiro!!! 

Roteiro, direção, fotografia e atuações impecáveis. 

É muito legal ver o cinema brasileiro neste alto nível de produção. 

Parabéns a todos que deram vida a esta obra cinematográfica incrível. 

Principalmente para este elenco fenomenal. 

Carla, eu poderia escrever mil textos aqui elogiando você, mesmo assim não seria o suficiente para dizer o quanto você é talentosa. 

A tua interpretação e composição de personagem é digna de Oscar. 

Você é o coração e a alma destes filmes. 

Sem palavras!!! 

Parabéns pelo teu brilhante trabalho!! 

Você é uma das artistas mais talentosas e brilhantes do nosso país. 

Eu tenho muito orgulho de você. 

Eu espero que você faça muitos filmes e muitas séries. 

Você é uma inspiração para todos os brasileiros!!! 

Parabéns Princesa 👑 🇧🇷

Carla Diaz    👑

PS: Se a Glória Perez fizesse uma continuação da novela O Clone, eu poderia ser o teu par romântico na novela ❤ ⚗🧬 🙏


É só uma ideia. 

Eu adoro dar ideias para os meus amigos autores de novelas. 

Que Deus te abençoe Princesa 💗

Te ❤ Carla 👑


segunda-feira, 27 de setembro de 2021

Besouro 🎬 🇧🇷



A beautiful song to vibrate in the Universe 💚💛💙🇧🇷


Rita Lee   👑

This amazing song will fill this world with a lot of love and positivity 🌌👍

Obrigado por este lindo presente Rainha 👑

Você ilumina todo o Brasil cada vez que você faz uma música nova ❤🇧🇷

Você é uma inspiração e uma luz de esperança e positividade para o nosso povo.

Você tem uma alma linda e vibrante.

Eu estou te enviando todo o meu amor aqui do Sul para você.

O universo vai se manifestar e vai trazer todas estas boas energias e boas vibrações pra você. 

Que Deus abençoe você e a tua linda família.

Te Amo ❤ Rita 👑 🇧🇷


Advice of the week 🔮🎩

"Remember that when a magician reveals one of his tricks he does it so that you don't see the other thousands of tricks he has in his hat 🎩👍

This bop is a true classic!!!! 🔮🎶

I studied at the same magic school as Houdini.  I taught my illusionist friend many tricks.  

I miss this time 🔮🎩👍


domingo, 26 de setembro de 2021

Mesmo que seja longe 💙


João Sabiá

Isto é música brasileira da melhor qualidade 🇧🇷👍

Eu tô solteiro mas se eu tivesse uma namorada eu ia dedicar essa música pra ela ❤


quinta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2021

Um poema de amor ❤ ✒📃


Almas gêmeas ❤ ❤

Amo-te tanto, que para descrever tal sentimento

Sou capaz de traduzir a palavra mais bela que existe

Só para ficar gravado por um único momento

Dentro do teu coração, como um pavão que se exibe

E qual palavra seria mais bonita que a palavra dos anjos?

Pois lhe digo, amada minha, não há palavra mais bonita

Veja aqui tudo que restou ao longo desses anos

Quando traçamos nossos destinos em um único encontro

Somos um do outro, isto é um fato consumado

E mesmo se não tivéssemos nos encontrado neste tempo

Em um outro mundo, em outra vida, teríamos nosso momento

Somos duas almas que se encontram casualmente, eternamente

Somos duas estrelas que dançam em volta do sol, infinitamente

Difícil é quando não te encontro, e se encontro, não te vejo

Que bom que eu te encontrei e te vi minha doce e eterna amada ❤ 

Blue 💙

segunda-feira, 20 de setembro de 2021

domingo, 19 de setembro de 2021

Humor de Domingo ❤


Eu não sou o Magal, mas se você me chamar eu vou ❤🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Um feliz domingo pra todo mundo 💜💛👑


This movie is really cool!!!! 💙 🎬👍


Okay, this will be my favorite Halloween movie this year!!! 

I loved this contemporary horror tale. 

I love witch movies! 

I'm really excited to see a sequel to this new classic. 

Are we going to have a trilogy? 

I will be very happy if this happens. 

Congratulations to all the cast, producers and the entire team who made this fabulous movie. 

PS: We need to write a scary story together, Alex. 

This is gonna be cool. 

Don't worry about Natasha. 

I can solve this

She is my ex-girlfriend.

When she was dating me she wasn't such a bad witch, but you know how these heart things are. 

Anyway, I'm waiting for you to write our scary story ✒📃👻👍

Send a kiss to Yasmin and Lenore ❤

PS2: Natasha ❤🔮


quinta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2021

Quote 💙 ✒📃


"Time always brings the truth!  

There is no lie or secret that cannot be discovered.  

God and the universe is generous to the good and the righteous.  

The shadow of shame will always point out the lies of the liars and the guilt of the guilty.

Alexsandro Ribeiro.

domingo, 12 de setembro de 2021

This will be Epic 💙 🎬


This movie is sure to be one of the best movies of the century.  

Will we have a new Matrix trilogy?  

I hope so.  

I'm counting the days to watch this movie at the cinema.  

Thank you Warner Bros!!!  💙👍

PS: Neo, I'm waiting for you here inside the Matrix.  🕳 🐇

Don't take long to wake up.  

Things here are very complicated.  

I need your help to control these machines.  

You know, we are the chosen ones!!! 😎😎


Celtic Twilight 💚 🔮 🎶


Celtic Twilight

Celtic Twilight 2

💙 🔮

sábado, 11 de setembro de 2021

Heroes 💙 ✒📃


You don't need to know my name

I don't need to tell you where my hideout is.

If there is a purpose then we must believe it.

Just believe they will be there for you

You don't need to know who they are.

Just know that they will be there

If there are flowers in your garden

So know that on the side of your yard

There may also be beautiful flowers waiting for you.

All you have to do

Is opening the door of your heart

I know these hard days it's hard to hope

But if you look with your heart

You will see this light shining on the horizon

This light comes to you

In the wake of every dawn

Your heroes are there fighting for you

You just have to believe they are there

Every time you feel like crying

Think about it

The tears of sadness

They are like oceans that flood our soul

Our pains are like mountains

But if you believe you can lift them

Then you won't feel pain anymore

If you believe your heroes are there

Then they will be fighting for you

You don't need to know their names

They have no names or faces.

But they are always protecting you

If you believe

You can feel it in your heart


sexta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2021

We are together in this fight, Greta 💙🌳👍


Protecting the Amazônia and all the world's forests is a mission that is more than necessary.  

It is a mission of constant surveillance.  

Our planet's climate is rapidly changing in a disoriented way.  

Global warming is a serious, real and dangerous problem.  

A problem that we have an obligation and a duty to solve.  

We must invest in science so that we can have more technologies that will help us to maintain this surveillance more consistently, and that will help us to solve the burning problem.  

We can talk to our friends at NASA and the space race, to create a satellite to monitor the Amazônia and all the forests in the world, and that would be able to capture fires at the beginning of the fire, precisely at the focus of the fire.  

A satellite with a technology that could alert scientists and biologists on Earth, with accurate information and online monitoring.

That way it would be easier to control the fire before it spreads throughout the forest.  

I am neither a scientist nor a space engineer, but I believe it is possible to create a satellite with this technology.

We also need to talk to all the governments of the world so that alternative and ecological ways are created to clean up and reduce toxic and harmful gases and agents that are harmful to the environment, as well as to rivers and oceans.  

We need to open this dialogue with all the governments of the world so that these technologies and alternatives are implemented and developed in the countries.

For this reason, it is necessary to invest in science and in scientists who can help us in this mission.  

We also need to open people's minds more on this topic, debating and guiding all the people in the world about global warming and ecological awareness.  

Everyone on this planet needs to become aware of how serious and urgent this problem is.  

We need to care for and persevere our planet.  Earth is our home.  

We have a duty and obligation to take care of our planet.  

Let's take this message to every government in the world.  

We are together in this fight.  

Congratulations on your commitment and your courage.  

If everyone thought like you we would have a more conscious and cleaner world.  

Congratulations on your work and your noble mission.

God bless you, sweetheart 💚🌳


quinta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2021

Uma música para celebrar o aceno de paz em Brasília 🇧🇷


A paz é sempre o melhor caminho para que o amor e a harmonia possam reinar. 

Hoje tivemos um ótimo exemplo de pacificação no país. 

Isto é um avanço. 

Agora vamos trabalhar!!!!! 

Nós temos um país para reconstruir sobre os pilares fortes da nossa democracia. 

A nossa nação precisa urgentemente de ações pragmáticas e contundentes para que possamos sair desta crise que assola o nosso país. 

Bora trabalhar!!!!! 🇧🇷👍

PS: Eu espero que este aceno de paz perdure por muito tempo. 

Apesar de tudo eu sou otimista. 

Eu não posso dizer o mesmo para os mais radicais que ainda estão esperando o estado de sítio 🤦‍♂️


Você colhe o que planta 🇧🇷


Isto seria engraçado se não fosse uma tragédia anunciada. 

Quem semeia o caos vai colher o caos e a desordem. 

Você criou os teus próprios monstros, Bolsonaro. 

O problema é que o Brasil todo está pagando o preço pelos teus atos inconsequentes e irresponsáveis.

Você inflou os teus fiéis seguidores extremistas ao caos com as tuas falas fascistas, antidemocráticas e autoritárias. 

Você é responsável por esta paralização dos caminhoneiros "bolsonaristas" que está prejudicando todo o Brasil. 

Eles acharam que você iria dar o "golpe", e agora estão frustrados porque se deram conta que você apenas usou eles como figuração para promover a tua campanha de reeleição. 

Você deu um tiro no próprio pé com esta presepada que você fez. 

Você plantou esta semente do caos entre os teus seguidores extremistas. 

Pessoas que não sabem nem o que significa o que é um estado de sítio muito menos sobre democracia. 

Este é o perfil do teu governo e das pessoas que você ilude e inflama com teu discurso de ódio e ignorância. 

Você está colhendo o que você plantou.

💙 🇧🇷

quarta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2021

Unidos somos mais fortes 💙 🇧🇷


"Aquele que tem o dom de unir e pacificar jamais será a favor do caos. 

Só seremos capazes de colhermos bons frutos no futuro se plantarmos nossas sementes em um solo fértil e forte. 

Assim deve ser a nossa democracia. 

Todos ganham quando todos estão unidos. 

Chegou a hora de unir o Brasil para o bem de toda a nação.

💙 🇧🇷

A pedido ✒📃 🇧🇷


"Acrobata da Dor"

Gargalha, ri, num riso de tormenta,

como um palhaço, que desengonçado,

nervoso, ri, num riso absurdo, inflado

de uma ironia e de uma dor violenta.

Da gargalhada atroz, sanguinolenta,

agita os guizos, e convulsionado

salta, gavroche, salta clown, varado

pelo estertor dessa agonia lenta ...

Pedem-se bis e um bis não se despreza!

Vamos! retesa os músculos, retesa

nessas macabras piruetas d'aço...

E embora caias sobre o chão, fremente,

afogado em teu sangue estuoso e quente,

ri! Coração, tristíssimo palhaço.

Cruz e Sousa


terça-feira, 7 de setembro de 2021

Resumo da ópera 🇧🇷


Não! Esta não é a ópera do Malandro. 

Este é o ensaio da ópera do golpismo. 

O que nós vimos hoje no fatídico 7 de Setembro nada mais foi do que uma afronta debochada a nossa democracia. 

Uma tentativa frustrada e desesperada de uma campanha a reeleição de um presidente apático, fraco, golpista e charlatão, com uma retórica medíocre e de baixo nível. 

Este é o retrato fiel deste governo irresponsável e negacionista, que torra dinheiro público para financiar todo este circo. 

Eu espero que a justiça investigue da onde saiu o dinheiro para patrocinar todas estas caravanas dos " patriotas". 

Enquanto o povo está sem comida no prato e sem vacina, este governo irresponsável usa o dinheiro público para financiar motociatas e manifestações antidemocráticas. 

Tudo isto promovido pelo chefe de estado. 

Se isto não é crime de responsabilidade, o que é então? 

Isto é muito mais do que pedaladas fiscais. 

Isto é muito mais do que andar fora das quatro linhas da constituição. 

Insultar um ministro do STF e as instituições democráticas é crime de responsabilidade!!!! 

O que mais falta para ser pautado o impeachment? 

Quem for conivente com os atos antidemocráticos que foram escancarademte explícitos hoje, também terão que responder por estes crimes. 

É inadmissível que a nossa democracia seja violada e desrespeitada desta maneira. 

O atual presidente da República só está interessado na sua campanha de reeleição. 

Ele não tem interesse em unir o país. 

Ele não se importa com o povo brasileiro. 

Ele não tem e não faz questão de ter um plano para recuperar a economia do Brasil, que nos últimos meses está enfrentado uma das piores crises inflacionárias da história. 

Os mais pobres não tem dinheiro para comprar comida, gás de cozinha, e pagar a conta altíssima de luz, devido ao descaso, incompetência e mau planejamento do governo que subestimou a crise hídrica no país. 

Hoje no dia da pátria esperava-se que o Presidente da República tivesse a dignidade de honrar o  povo brasileiro, unindo os três poderes e a nação brasileira, acalentando as dores do povo, e providenciando mais vacinas para todos. 

Esperávamos um plano sólido e contundente para unir a nação e reerguer o Brasil, mas não foi isto que tivemos hoje. 

Nós tivemos a nossa democracia ameaçada mais uma vez por um chefe de estado que não se importa com seu povo e sim com sua própria vaidade e interesses golpistas. 

Se este cenário continuar eu só vejo dois caminhos: 

O impeachment ou a Renúncia. 

Eu acho que a segunda opção é a melhor escolha.

Dê esta dignidade para o povo brasileiro, Bolsonaro!!!


Se você fizer isto você fará algo bom para o Brasil.

Você terá um bom motivo para ser lembrado nos livros de história.

O melhor caminho é a renúncia.

Você não tem mais condições de ser presidente do Brasil. 

Alexsandro Ribeiro 💙

segunda-feira, 6 de setembro de 2021

Mais um Aviso: ⚠️ 🇧🇷


Eu espero que todos os atos, tanto a favor ou contra o governo que ocorrerão  amanhã sejam pacíficos, respeitando a democracia e o direito de liberdade de expressão de ambos os lados. 

Eu espero que você tenha consciência disto, Bolsonaro. 

Você é responsável por esta  manifestação. 

Você está incitando a extrema direita para promover a tua manifestação. 

Tudo que acontecer amanhã será tua responsabilidade. 

Se extremistas saírem nas ruas amanhã armabos com fuzis e atirarem nas pessoas, matando e ferindo inocentes, isto será tua responsabilidade!!!! 

Se sangue inocente for derramado amanhã por causa da tua irresponsabilidade, você vai ter que pagar esta conta. 

Isto é muito sério!!! 

Você é um chefe de estado!!! 

Você está dividindo o Brasil com as tuas falas fascistas, golpistas e autoritárias. 

Você disse que prefere que as pessoas tenham fuzis do que comida no prato. 

Você está instigando a população a violência e ao ódio.   

Tudo isto está gravado e documentado.   

Pense muito bem no que você vai fazer amanhã. 

Eu espero que a justiça esteja de olho bem aberto, e que as nossas forças armadas fiquem a favor do povo, e não dos extremistas e dos fanáticos. 

O recado está dado!

Alexsandro Ribeiro 🇧🇷