terça-feira, 2 de outubro de 2018

🎨"The gift of creator"🎹✒📃

The gift of creator

Bheethoven made the 9th symphony
When he was becoming completely deaf
And it was his most brilliant work
Your most beautiful symphony
This means
That when we want
We did it
Our difficulties
Is nothing
To our ability
And high confidence
It's a pity that most people
Do not use their capacity
To help improve the world
Instead of this
Destroy the hopes of the majority
Of those who believe in a better world
The hands create
Hands save
Hands bless
Hands protect
Hands receive
Life at birth
Why use them
To start a war?
To accuse someone without fault
To hurt someone
To spank someone
To kill
To deny
To accuse someone impunately
The hands are able to release all the chains
Hands can come together
The hand can overcome any injustice
No need to shoot any shot
Hands can write a beautiful poem or
A letter of freedom
The hands can give life to a thought, and an ideal
Maybe the hands are the only link
The only similarity we have
With a single creator
It's a shame we use them the wrong way.
Who has the gift of creating
Can not take a life


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