terça-feira, 26 de novembro de 2024

I am a poet!🗡


I'm a Gladiator too!!⚔️

Today I had the privilege of watching this spectacular film in the cinema and I felt the same adrenaline rush when I watched the first Gladiator 24 years ago. 

Gladiator 2, besides honoring the first film in a masterful way, also brings a new light to this epic saga. 

Gladiator and Ben-Hur are my favorite epic films. 

Seeing these references in Gladiator 2 made me very happy. 

A magnificent film, well written, well directed and well produced with a stellar cast of true masters of the 7th art. 

Gladiator 2 is definitely my favorite for next year's Oscar and I will be rooting for this film and this brilliant cast to win many golden statuettes. 

It is great to be able to see new epic films maintaining the tradition of great and unforgettable classics. 

Congratulations to the master Ridley Scott and this brilliant cast. 

I'm waiting for Gladiator 3!!!⚔️📽👍

Can we give Denzel the Oscar now or will we have to wait until March?

What an extraordinary actor!!!! 

Congratulations on your brilliant work my brother!!😶‍🌫️👍

Blue Fantasma 🔮📲

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