segunda-feira, 14 de novembro de 2022

A noble example to the world 🌏 🇨🇳🇺🇸


The leaders of the world's two most powerful nations shake hands and bring a message of peace and hope to the world. 

This is a noble example of cordiality and diplomacy. 

This is what our world needs. 

The world needs unity, peace, harmony and hope. 

May this noble gesture by Presidents Xi Jinping and Joe Biden inspire all world leaders. 

We have to join forces to care for and protect our planet. 

Instead of investing in nuclear weapons and wars, let's invest in science and technology to preserve life on our planet, cure evil diseases, and unify all the nations of the world. 

The time has come for our world to evolve wisely. 

Peace, unity among peoples, and diplomacy will always be the best way. 

Our world needs peace!

"Noble and true leaders are those who bring peace and preserve life, not those who bring wars and proclaim death.

Blue Fantasma  💙🔮

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