terça-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2020

Resistance 💙✒📃


We are hurt
We are fighting
One on each side of this ring
Who will win this fight?
Is this love or resistance?

We are competing
For something we can't embrace
We are trying to survive the rage
From our own vanity
Is this love or resistance?

You already spent all your ammo
Trying to shoot me on this wall
But you still haven't noticed
That my heart was bleeding
Before you show your weapons
Is this love or resistance?

We are two gladiators
Fighting for our own survival
Two archers thrown their arrows
Which heart will be reaching first?
Is this love or resistance?

I don't know what else you wanna destroy
Everything is already destroyed
We are like two soldiers
Fighting over the wreckage
Is this love or resistance?

They tell us not to give up on love
But who fights for love
Face an endless battle
We all fell into this ring
Even if you can get up
This does not mean
That you will be a winner
Is this love or resistance?


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