segunda-feira, 6 de maio de 2019

Invincible 💔


My heart tells me that you're fine.
But sometimes the heart can lie
When we pretend that everything is okay
A smile can hide a tear
When the heart is crying

You can hide these tears.
But you can not hide what you feel in your heart.
When you live a true love this love is forever
Silence sometimes brings the most painful tears when you lose a love.
You feel this pain when you do not appreciate what you had

I did not mean to hurt you.
I just wanted to stop this storm coming.
You thought we were invincible.
But you forgot how sensitive we are.
When we love too much

I'm not saying it's over
But maybe it's too late to start over.
The heart does not lie when night brings tears
We still feel the pain of this distance
Even though we're not together anymore
Love is invincible, but it can not stop the storms.

We had all this time to learn
That it was impossible to live without the other
We did not have to prove this to anyone.
We just had to prove it to ourselves
We believed we were invincible
But we were just two kids playing in Paradise

I did not want to have it all
I just wanted to have you.
I did not want to be more than I am
I just wanted to be the best for you.
I gave it all to you, but it was not enough

Words do not lie when the heart is hurt
Even Roses can not cry in silence
When they feel the pain of their thorns
You can not see me now.
But you can feel me in your heart.
When everything is pain there is no distance

Maybe I'll still cry for you tomorrow.
While this rain is in my heart
Even though I can not hug you through this screen
You'll feel my arms holding you tonight
Love is invincible, but it can not stop the storms.


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