segunda-feira, 22 de abril de 2019

"The source of the righteous"👑🔰

The source of the righteous

I was fighting for you in hell.
I was protecting you
I was trying to find a shelter for you.
Your demons have always been on my back.
And you pretended not to see
Wash hands that are on your door that will knock
But first you will see the arrow reach my heart.
Why you want to kill me?
If you could not bear to see me die
Do not do evil to those who care for you.
Do not be unfair to those who are always on your side
You may be brilliant, but the brightest stars are in the sky.
Do not make your gift a bondage
Wash your hands before you judge others.
I have love in my heart
This fountain is before your eyes.
I celebrate life every day, even if it's night.
My life is like a poem
I believe in myself
I believe in my strength
My heart is still clean
Like the wings of an angel in the sky
Do you think you know everything.
But you do not see that evil is lethal.
The tears of an ocean can last forever, even if there is no rain
My heart is bleeding, but my hands are still clean.
Beside the white cypress
To the left of the entrance of hell
It is where the source of forgetfulness is
I go beyond this source
I do not drink this dark water
I reach the lake of memory where the sages rest their immortal tears
Where there is pure crystal water
I make the sign of Hermes to the guardians of the entrance
"I am the son of earth and fire"
I'm a soldier of war.
My symbol is a white horse
Give me the wisdom, I have an endless thirst
Look into my eyes, I am the man who loved you
Take this sale from your eyes
I'm leaving never to return
Take this hate out of your heart
Do not feed the demons around you anymore.
Look into my eyes, I am the man who loved you
You'll never be able to forget me.
I fought for you.
I've been in hell for you.
On the side of the White Cypress there were 6 demons, with 6 horns, and 6 legs
I cut their heads without making any effort, for their eyes did not open in the light
They fell on the feet of cowards who wept with dry eyes
I left without tasting of that water
The righteousness of the righteous was done when I closed the gates of hell


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