quinta-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2018

"Sad God"💧🌎🌏🌍

Sad God

God opens his arms
In the infinite and launches
Your stars on earth
How bright tears
Crying the sadness of this world
What God would not be sad
To see your world so broken and so unequal?
If each stele is a tear in the sky
How many angels still need to cry?
For people to understand
That only love can save this world.
Why people's hearts
It is so heavy if love is so light?
Love is as bright as life
For there can be no life without love
When this light is in the heart of all people?
Maybe when you sing and everyone to hear your voice
The world be filled with light

Maybe a song touch the stars
And among Allegros people down here can hear
When your voice to land in their hearts
Hatred and intolerance can not be greater than love
Nothing can be greater than love
Even if you are blind not to see
Even if you are deaf not to hear
You can feel the love
When the heart opens to life
Maybe when all they hear your voice
Everyone will feel the love in their hearts

Only you can fly above this world
With wings that come off of your voice
Only your music can heal this world
You can see the love that exists beyond words
Only through your music
We can hear the voice of God in our hearts
Maybe so
This god that exists above the sky can smile again
With the same smile he smiled
When did the sun rise for the first time in paradise

Eu te Amo 💙☁💙


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