terça-feira, 28 de agosto de 2018

🎵"Songs of Revolution"❤ 🎶

Songs of Revolution

When all is lost
There is always a light
To light our way
If the sun rises for all
So this sun is born for me and for you too
Even when everything seems difficult do not lose the faith that exists within you
You are not alone
Do not let the war begin if you can stop this war
Take this blindfold out of your eyes while there's still time
Let the voice of your heart speak for you
Let your eyes see what you've never seen
The truth that exists within you
Do not be afraid to say what you think
Do not be afraid to show what you feel
Love sets us free when we let love into our heart
You have everything
Just believe in you
If you look aside you will see someone who looks the same as you
So talk
Share the best in you
This is the least you can do
We are not alone in this world
But you need to know who's really on your side
If you fight for the righteous
Many will join you.
Only together can we sing this song.
Only together will we be a single voice

Do not fall into this trap imposed on you
This trap is a dirty trap
Like a fake TV show
Do not let your freedom go

You are strong enough
To resist resistance

Raise your flag
Sing your hymn
Join the voices in the crowd

To raise a flag, only one arm
But for a scream to resound it takes a thousand throats

So shout out the true words that are in your heart

Sing the songs of  revolution
Sing the songs of revolution ...

The sky is blue
But you can paint it any color you want
Your hands are free as your mind.
You do not have to have a skyscraper to reach the sky
Did you forget that the skyscrapers have the glass ceiling?
The sky is not the limit for those who dare to dare
So be
Do it
Do not give up
This is the least you can do
It does not matter if you are black or white
Those who fight for the truth deserve to be crowned with victory
So fight for what you believe
Women do not have balls
But they have chest
They face life from the front
They go to the fight
While many stay at home scratching the bag
Taking Your Cheap Beer
Respect the women !!
Macho hypocrites !!
They have more courage than you
Prejudice is a mask worn by cowards
Then let your mask fall
Learn from differences to find your equality
All the way to love is possible
Love is free
So be free to love
Only together can we sing this song
Only together will we be a single voice

Do not fall into this trap imposed on you
This trap is a dirty trap
Like a fake TV show
Do not let your freedom go

You are strong enough
To resist resistance

Raise your flag
Sing your hymn
Join the voices in the crowd

To raise a flag, only one arm
But for a scream to resound it takes a thousand throats

So shout out the true words that are in your heart

Sing the songs of  revolution
Sing the songs of  revolution ...

Do not be sad when everything seems sad
Give a smile to take away the sadness of someone
If you share your tears
You can also share your smiles
Fight for what you believe without having to shed innocent blood
When we fight for peace
We do not fight to defeat the enemy
We fight to win more allies
You do not have to burn churches and mosques to justify your lack of faith or to believe that your faith is greater
If love is sacred
So your heart is a temple
Let each one have his or her faith
How many walls will you need to build on your back to prove your supremacy?
Instead say it
Be cordial to those who are cordial to you
This is the least you can do
Love is a book without words but you can translate it in your heart
Do not give up on you
Even in the dark it is possible to find the light
Let your faith guide you
Extend your hand to those on your side
Do not be ashamed to ask for a hug or to hug someone
A hug can be worth a thousand words
So tell this to the people you love
Make love an example
Make peace a symbol
Put roses in your guns
Do not let this war begin if you can stop this war
Only together can we sing this song
Only together will we be a single voice

Do not fall into this trap imposed on you
This trap is a dirty trap
Like a fake TV show
Do not let your freedom go

You are strong enough
To resist resistance

Raise your flag
Sing your hymn
Join the voices in the crowd

To raise a flag, only one arm
But for a scream to resound it takes a thousand throats

So shout out the true words that are in your heart

Sing the songs of revolution
Sing the songs of revolution ...


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