sábado, 11 de agosto de 2018

⏳"A love letter"❤

Somewhere forgotten in time...

My beloved, this distance punishes me in an infinite sentence, which seems to have no end, even when the storm goes away from me, this pain still lingers in my heart.
I think of you, my love, as the guns explode in my chest, in this war that seems to be impossible to win.
I remember the hugs that I never gave you, so I embrace the invisible, like a ghost who desperately tries to come back to life.I remember the kisses my lips could never kiss, so I kiss you, in my deepest dream, like the sun when kiss the sea, before bed.
What is life without love, if love is to live?
Without you, all the rocks that support my feet collapse, like dry leaves when they fall in the fall, like the earth when it opens, in the fury of an abyss.
Without you, my eyes only see the stars that are farther away, hoping that my tears may come, like a phalanx of angels that can not fly anymore.
Without you, my beloved, everything is so sad, without you nothing exists, without you there is only the cold and the solitude, not even the sun with its radiant light can warm my heart.
I try to get these thorns out of my hands, in every letter I write to you, I try to find the most beautiful words so that I can forget my sadness.
In every line I leave my blood and my pain, every word is like a tear that cries in my heart, every word is like a dagger that crosses my chest.
I see my reflection in the mirror, but I can not find my smile, I only see my sadness crying, I no longer see the constellations of stars that glittered in my eyes.
I think I do not think about time, but time always reminds me that time exists, and how cruel time is for one who truly loves, like a sword that makes the heart bleed forever.
I do not see your eyes, my beloved, in this last portrait you gave me, I only see the desire to touch your lips, the desire to kiss you, like a dew drop kisses the petals of a rose, in the first ray Ofmorning sun.
If I have not your eyes, my beloved, how can I see in the darkness?
If I do not have your eyes, how can I see the beauty of our love?
Every night I say a prayer that the angels may carry my words to you, like birds of fire that cross the gates of time, carrying my words to your heart.
I know tomorrow when the sunrise will be a new day, a new day to wait for you, wait with the hope that I can see you, hoping that you will arrive.
My beloved, I only have this sword in my fist and this love in my heart, you give me the courage I need to have to win this battle.
I will be able to overcome this impetuous desert to have my love in my arms
I fight for love, and even if this distance punishes me, I will fight to the end, I will fight relentlessly, because those who fight for love, deserve to win in the end.


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