quinta-feira, 19 de julho de 2018

All the Roses in the world

I believe that your heart, like the heart of every woman, is an ocean of hidden desires, where inspirations and ideas are stored in a treasure submerged in the liturgy of its feminine essence.
I am a knight on his white horse running through the desert with a sword covering my fist, in which it is used to achieve the intolerance and irrationality of malicious men, who do not admit that women are venerated as queens and observed as goddesses.
It seems impossible, but there are still indifferences.
Despite the independence, the intelligence of women, showing that they really are the mothers of the world, it is still quite explicit the disrespect of some men who do not accept this equality.
Misinterpreted fragments, which completely distort the history of women and their importance in this world.
From the beginning of time, the woman was succumbed by the ignorance of man.
In the legend of Lilith, the woman who was expelled from paradise for not wanting to be submissive to the man, but for having the same rights as him, and until today and seen as a demon.
In ancient Egypt, when rarely after contemplating the God Amon, the woman had the right, in the absence of her husband and incompatibility of the little eldest, to become pharaoh.
But his writings and temples were desecrated and buried by his successors.
We can continue: Where is the gospel of Mary Magdalene?
Why did Joan Dark die burned after saving France?
Why can not a woman, after being shut down by her own will and faith, have the right to celebrate a mass, or even to get to the papacy? And where are the heroines, artists, writers, revolutionaries, politicians, scientists?
Why do books only report them as a minority?
How long will women remain in the shadow of male hypocrisy?
Little do they know that we men before a woman, we are only the flame of a candle before the sun.
An illuminated sun like you, beautiful woman, the most beautiful flower in the world.
Perhaps one day the omitted truths reveal their importance in this world, and reveal why the woman is the sowing of life.
Until then, I will continue here with my poems and novels, maybe one day our stories will intertwine and our meeting will happen.
I am emerging as well as a white lily that is born in the middle of a rose garden, which with all its strength will protect and love its roses. I will always be here as a testimony of her story, and in every woman I will leave my inspiration, in every word revered women will leave the truth, in each sentence contemplating women will I leave hope, and in every poem inspired by women, I will leave love .

I'm just a wanderer, no name and no face
I'm just someone searching for myself
My eyes see only the truth, which many do not want, or can not see
I'm crossing this desert, guided by the brightest stars in this sky
My steps are firm towards my destiny
In my spirit there is a desire
In my soul there is hope
In my heart there is a love
My one true love
The love that I swore to care for and protect
The love that I will love forever
The most beautiful and rare rose of this beautiful Garden

My beloved

Here begins our story ....


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