sábado, 2 de junho de 2018

The life of Andrew

The life of Andrew

Since his birth Andrew Boliw has been condemned to live
In a wheelchair
The disease was diagnosed when he was still a baby
Complications in gestation led to Andrew's malformation
His mother, Elen Boliw, worked in a cigar factory at the time
And even today, he fights in court to get an indemnity
Andrew's life has always been limited, he hears, he sees, he understands everything
Your brain is perfect, capable of performing any mathematical calculation successfully
But to him, he was only allowed to move his right hand
Andrew has dreams, just like every boy his age
But for Andrew, almost every dream, if not all, is impossible, and he knows it
When he sees his friends playing soccer, cycling, or running freely
Little pleasures, but that for Andrew is just a distant dream
Doctors estimate that Andrew lives until he is 20 years old.
Due to the numerous complications in its internal organs
Today at age 17, despite his limitations, he is happy
Even moving just one hand, he feels happy
He does not blame anyone for his limitations, and he can find beauty
In the simplest things in life
The fact of breathing, even if it is through the help of a device, makes him happy
Andrew has read more than two thousand books, and has known fantastic places
And amazing people in their travels, but Andrew's great passion, is the philosophy
Andrew is a good boy, he has no prejudices
He does not differentiate and does not underestimate anyone.
He understands human history as anyone, Andrew is a humanist, and if he could
Talking, walking, or moving a muscle that made him scream, Andrew would go into history
What sets Andrew apart from boys his age is the ability to feel
To see, and to value life, even though it is not able to live it
Andrew knows that it's not just a particle coming from the stars, it's something much bigger
So with every living being that inhabits this planet
Andrew always has the same dream, and every day in the morning, he tries, in his own way
Tell this dream to your mother:
In Andrew's dream, he wakes up, gets up from his chair, and begins to walk, Andrew felt all
The joy that this sensation is capable of provoking, but in Andrew's dream, only he walks
All other people are in wheelchairs, and breathing through appliances
Andrew walks among these people, and shows them the sun, the birds, the trees, but they do not give a damn about it, they only moan and complain about their limitations.
Even so, Andrew tries to help them, pushing their chairs, or wiping their tears away.
He never gives up on them, he is always ready to help them, and this gives him a good feeling
This morning Andrew did not tell his dream to his mother, he just hugged her with his eyes.
Lack of money to get a new oxygen tube and health complications
From Andrew, made him take a radical attitude, today will be the last time Andrew
Will smile. Knowing of the difficulties of his mother, he proposed to her to turn off the device
Before the oxygen tube ran out
At first she was resistant to the idea, but after seeing the suffering of Andrew
That in the last few months he was suffering from pain, due to the atrophy of his muscles, she decided to approve his proposal. Andrew did not do anything different from what he did every day
He read another book from Nietzsche, watched the boys play soccer, heard another symphony from Beethoven, and before closing his eyes for final, caressed his mother's face, and smiled, giving a last good-bye smile.
As the butterflies flew in your window


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