
sábado, 12 de maio de 2018

Red Fox

Red Fox

The fox looks attentively
Wishing for what does not belong to her
The fox smiles without showing his teeth
Like a vampire looking in the mirror
Admiring your beautiful red cape
The fox is meticulous
Treacherous, trappable, greedy
Like a snake crawling on the sand
Hiding Your Poison
The fox dances and smiles
While looking in the mirror
So cold and so dry
Like a spoiled orange
Like an empty house

Who do you really love, fox?
Who will be able to love you?
Your elephants are bigger than your room
Why do you want more then?
Your memories are not enough for you
It's like being in the rainbow and not seeing the colors
It is like seeing the sea and can not run on the beach
You'd even be able to run, but with your free legs
What is in your heart, fox?
Beyond your ego
Wickedness is a gift to those who will never be able to be good
Is that how you think fox?
Is this your secret?
Can you look at yourself in this mirror?
This is how I see you fox

Then he said to the fox:
The cane will always be a cane, just like a hat will always be a hat
Blood sucks is only satisfied when it sucks all the blood that is not yours.
The parasite will always be a parasite, and whenever it finds its tail, will try to devour.
Whoever lives the illusion of a life that is not his, will never be able to live his own life.

I saw you fox


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