sábado, 24 de fevereiro de 2018

The song of our love

The song of our love

This is our love song
A soft sweet song
What makes the soul cover itself with radiant luxury
Showing the magnitude of the feeling
Illuminated, strong, and true
Before you, my beloved
I am a star
A sphere of fire
Dancing around your eyes
Becoming soft and bright
Every time I am in your thoughts
I who am always strolling in your dreams
Sailing on my boat
Sailing on the waves of our love
This sweet song that plays
Every time my thoughts are in you
I am this blue bird
That one day was lonely, sad, and dark
But that now, when finding the love in your chest
It became a pure swan
Flaming and sonorous, flying in this blue sky
With its manifest chant
I am the painting in your beautiful eyes
That bring the lights and colors to your heart
I am the poetry of your inspiration
I am the wind that gently blows in your hair
Bringing our love song together with the sun
Every time we dance in horozonte
Whenever I think of you, my beloved
When I write you these poems with my pen
I see your beautiful beauty
As beautiful as nature
Like a beautiful and fresh rose
Your graceful mouth
Who sings our songs as a secret
It's like a fervent kiss
It is a treasure
Of our beloved love
I see you clearly
My delicate lady
Love of my life
My beloved woman
That God in you has made more
By making you so perfect, and so enlightened
You are my Goddess
You are my queen.
My Divine Inspiration
In your songs
Made with the fury and purity of our love
I see myself
Like a fire bird
Flying in Paradise
Going towards your arms
If I could just tell you one more sentence
In this magical moment of beauty and emotion
I would tell you, my beloved
That nothing in this world is more beautiful, nor greater
Than the love that exists in my heart
I love you infinitely
I love you forever
Our love is a beautiful song.
That will play forever in the starlight


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