
terça-feira, 31 de outubro de 2023

This is what I do! 🧠📲


You only change the world with courage, intelligence and boldness!  

I fight for a better and fairer world!  

Honesty and courage are what I admire most in people.  

If you also believe that this is possible then join me so that we can fight together for a better world.✊

Filosofia Brazuca 🇧🇷

Blue Fantasma 🔮📲

sábado, 28 de outubro de 2023

Which side do you choose? 🇮🇱🇵🇸


It would be much easier if all the hostages were released and the Israeli soldiers returned to their homes.  

It would be much easier if the leaders of the Middle East created the State of Palestine and gave dignity to these suffering and oppressed people.  

It would be much easier if all Middle Eastern countries made a peace agreement.  

Why doesn't this happen?  

Why is diplomacy not exercised as it should be?  

How long will hatred and intolerance terrorize this world?  

The world out there is asking for peace.  

People around the world are speaking out for peace and human rights.  

If the voice of the people is the voice of God, then why is this right not respected?  

How many more women and children will have to be killed by bombings or cruelly murdered by hatred and intolerance?  

Wouldn't it be easier to blow up the entire planet with atomic bombs and start a new world with kinder, more evolved human beings?  

A big asteroid could also resolve this and enforce divine justice.  

Or perhaps a new, more lethal virus?  

If evil, hatred, intolerance and irrationality remain in this world, how will we have a better and more just world?

As long as hatred and intolerance exist in this world, it will be very difficult for human beings to evolve.  

I hope that the diplomacy and humanism that remains in this world can touch the hearts and minds of all world leaders so that peace can return to our world.

Alexsandro Ribeiro.

segunda-feira, 23 de outubro de 2023

For the UN, WHO, and UNICEF! 🌎🌏🌍


130 premature babies are at risk of death if Shifa and Nasser hospitals in Gaza do not receive fuel for their generators.  

Hospitals in Gaza cannot be left without electricity, medicine and supplies.  

Doctors and surgeons at hospitals in Gaza are operating on patients without anesthesia!!!  

This is inhumane!!!!  

Hospitals in Gaza cannot run out of medicines and hospital supplies.  

The authorities in Israel and other Middle Eastern countries need to take responsibility for this.  

Patients cannot be left without medicine and medical care.  

Doctors in Gaza urgently need support!!!  

If these 130 premature babies die from neglect, Israel will be responsible for it.  

If this happens it will be a crime against humanity!!!!  

I urge all leaders of Middle Eastern countries to take action urgently!!!!

A fleet of trucks with fuel, medicine and hospital supplies needs to enter Gaza urgently!!!

Alexsandro Ribeiro.

domingo, 22 de outubro de 2023

Quote 🔮📲


"As long as human evil persists, it will be impossible to find peace.  

We live in a world where hatred and intolerance are the seeds of tomorrow.  

People are increasingly cruel, more evil, more intolerant, more unfair, more arrogant, more selfish, more greedy and more indifferent.  

The most important thing is to maintain a life of appearances and not care about the pain of other human beings.  

Those who could speak or do something prefer to remain silent.  

It's easier to sit on the fence than to be fair and fight for what's right.  

It is better to be indifferent and remain silent.

It takes a lot of courage to change the world.  

Not everyone has this courage.  

Our actions or indifference reveal who we really are.

Those who have more always want more, those who have nothing continue to live in abandonment and oblivion.  

People only care about themselves and their interests.  

As long as we live in such an unequal, intolerant, unfair and selfish world, it will be very difficult for love and peace to be reborn.

Blue Fantasma Quotes 🔮

Blue Fantasma 🔮📲

terça-feira, 17 de outubro de 2023

To the UN and world leaders! 🌏🌍🌎


If the bombings in Gaza don't stop, this is what will happen.  

We will have the Guernica of the 21st century. 

A ceasefire is urgently needed so that the humanitarian corridor between Gaza and Egypt can be created.  

There are more than 2 million people without water, without food, without medicine and without supplies.  

70% of Gaza's population are women and children.  

Hospitals cannot be left without electricity, without drinking water, without medicine and without supplies.

This humanitarian corridor needs to be opened now!!!  

Israel needs to respect this humanitarian right.  

The UN and the countries that make up the Security Council need to act urgently.  

Israel needs to respect this code of war and open this humanitarian corridor.  

If this doesn't happen we will have a genocide in Gaza.  

International courts need to punish Hamas and Israel for these crimes against humanity.  

The situation has reached a very dangerous level.  

This is one of the greatest calamities and humanitarian crises the world has ever seen.  

Human rights need to be respected.  

I ask that the leader of Hamas release all the hostages, and that the Israeli army stops the bombings and commits not to enter Gaza.  

This agreement needs to be made between Hamas and Israel urgently.  

The hostages need to be released for this conflict to stop.  

Both sides were attacked.

This conflict can no longer continue.  

It is necessary for international courts to resolve this issue and judge those responsible in accordance with the law.  

The most important thing now is to create the humanitarian corridor between Gaza and Egypt, and release all the hostages so that the bombings stop and the Israeli army's offensive does not advance.  

We need to resolve this diplomatically.  

I call on the UN and all world leaders to resolve this urgently.  

This conflict cannot continue.  

If this continues we will witness one of the biggest genocides in our history.  

Human rights need to be respected!!!  

Free the hostages and stop the bombings!!!!

Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949

Alexsandro Ribeiro.

sexta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2023

It is necessary to create the Palestinian State! 🌏🇵🇸


How much is the life of Palestinians in Gaza worth?  

For those who don't know, Gaza near the Mediterranean coast has natural gas and oil reservoirs that could be worth more than 500 billion dollars.  

Why is Gaza one of the poorest and most miserable places in the world?  

If the Palestinians who live there have their feet on "gold" then why are these people massacred and suffering from poverty and misery?  

Isn't this unfair?  

How much are the lives of these human beings worth?  

Why don't the richest countries in the Middle East help the Palestinians in Gaza?  

The number of inhabitants in Gaza is almost the same as the number of inhabitants in Qatar.  

Qatar is the richest country in the world!!!!  

Do you think this is fair?  

Do you think it is fair for these humble and poor people living in Gaza to suffer in this inhumane way?  

Do you think it is fair for Palestinians living in Gaza to be imprisoned and used as human shields by Hamas terrorists?  

Why don't the countries that finance these terrorists give dignity to the Palestinians living in Gaza?  

Why, instead of financing terror and fueling hatred among people, don't these countries build hospitals, schools, universities, and give dignity to the Palestinians who live in Gaza?  

I'm not asking them to build a new Dubai.  

I am asking you to give dignity to these people who live in extreme poverty and neglect.  

Rich countries in the Middle East can do this, but why don't they?  

Why hasn't the Palestinian state been created yet?  

This is the responsibility of Middle Eastern countries.  

It is necessary to create the Palestinian State so that the Palestinians have their dignity.  

The leaders of Middle Eastern countries need to assume this responsibility with the UN.  

It is necessary to create the Palestinian State and make a peace agreement with Isarel and all the countries in the Middle East.  

Only then will wars and armed conflicts end.  

The Middle East and the world need peace, not death and bloodshed.  

The leaders of the richest countries in the Middle East need to assume this responsibility and create a state for the Palestinians.  

True and noble leaders are those who bring peace and hope to their people and not the blood of their people on their swords.  

Instead of fueling hatred and intolerance, let's bring peace to the Middle East.  

I ask that the leaders of Middle Eastern countries create the Palestinian State to give dignity to these people and to bring peace to the world.

"The world needs peace and not innocent blood shed.  

Hate cannot be greater than love!

There will only be evolution and prosperity for humanity on Earth if there is peace between nations and peoples.

Alexsandro Ribeiro.

segunda-feira, 9 de outubro de 2023

Luke 21:9-11 📜


9. When you hear of wars and uprisings, do not be frightened. These things must happen first, but the end will not come right away.”

10. Then he said to them: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. 

11. There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

sábado, 7 de outubro de 2023

Every terrorist act and war is an act against humanity! 🌏🌍🌎


I strongly condemn the terrorist attacks carried out by the extremist group Hamas against Israel.  

The best path will always be peace!!!!!

My solidarity with all the fatal victims of this cruel terrorist act.

Alexsandro Ribeiro.