
quarta-feira, 30 de junho de 2021

I'm obsessed with this video clip 💙 📽 👍


Banks - III   👑 🔥🔥🔥

This song chills me!!!  

When I'm in outer space this song pops into my head.  

You are an extraordinary artist, Banks.  

I really admire you, your beautiful art and your amazing songs.  

You move the stars and comets up there every time you sing your amazing songs.  

This is like magic 🔮

I am so happy to see all these talented women bring their stellar songs to this planet.  

This is art with a capital A.  

I love it so much.  

Congratulations baby.  

I am very excited to hear your new songs, of course, and also your amazing and iconic video clips.

You are awesome ❤🔥🔥🔥🔥

Love u ❤ Baby 👑


sábado, 26 de junho de 2021

A música #1 do Brasil 💚💛💙👍


O que tu me diz Bolsonaro? 

Os incorruptíveis do teu governo cantaram esta música para o centrão quando tu foi eleito presidente do Brasil. 


Que baita ironia!!! 

Tu disse que nunca iria rolar com os porcos no chiqueiro e agora está atolado de lama até o pescoço. 

Se tudo isto se confirmar você vai precisar de um lava jato para limpar toda esta sujeira. 

Eu espero que a CPI faça uma investigação profunda neste caso e que o STF honre o Brasil e todos os brasileiros. 

Corrupção e prevaricação é crime!!!! 

Eu espero que a justiça seja feita em nome dos mais de 500 mil mortos no Brasil e em nome de todas estas família enlutadas. 

O Brasil e o mundo precisam saber a verdade. 

Todos aqueles que conhecem a verdade destes fatos precisam falar agora. 

Nós precisamos unir todo o Brasil em nome da nossa honra e da nossa dignidade. 

Isto é muito grave!!!! 

A justiça precisa ser feita. 

Bolsonaro, eu já te disse isto um milhão de vezes e vou te dizer de novo: 

Renuncie a presidência do Brasil, Bolsonaro. 

Dê esta dignidade para o Brasil e para todos os Brasileros. 

Você não tem mais condições de ser presidente do Brasil. 

O teu governo acabou!!!!

Alexsandro Ribeiro 💙

segunda-feira, 21 de junho de 2021

From Blue to Blue 💙👑


Blue 50 (Demos & Outtakes) | Joni Mitchell

This masterpiece is turning 50 and I would humbly like to thank Joni Mitchell for bringing this Blue light to the world.  

This is one of the best and most authentic albums in music history.  

This is one of the greatest contemporary masterpieces of music.  

It's a magnificent album made with the sensitivity and strength of one of the greatest legends in the history of music.  

It is impossible to describe the greatness of this beautiful album and the art of this extraordinary artist in just one text.  

I think The New York Times did better than me.  

It is very beautiful to see this noble artist and beautiful human being honored in this kind and loving way.  

Blue represents a watershed in the history of music and the tireless struggle of all these brave women.  

Joni has inspired and continues to inspire new generations of these amazing and talented women of music.  

This is very beautiful and inspiring.  

I hope that everyone like me has the privilege to hear and enjoy this timeless masterpiece.  

This is a unique and sublime experience.  

Thank you Joni for enlightening us and inspiring us with your beautiful songs.  

This world needs a lot from you and your shining soul.

PS: I'm waiting for your new album, baby 💙

Love u ❤ Joni 👑


domingo, 20 de junho de 2021

Coronation 👑

Nxg7+ Kd8 22. Qf6+

Nxf6 23. Be7# 1-0


Movie of the year 💙 🎬👍


Definitely this is the most amazing musical movie I've watched in my life. 

This film is a true musical cinematographic masterpiece. 

Lin-Manuel Miranda is a genius. 

Congratulations to all these noble and talented artists for bringing this beautiful and exciting film to life. 

It's so beautiful to see our music and Latin culture represented in such an authentic and special way. 

This movie is not just a celebration of Latin music. 

In The Heights a celebration of life, love, art and all the people who believe in their dreams. 

Paciencia y Fe are in all those who believe in love and have hope in their hearts.  

This is a beautiful message that this beautiful and inspiring movie brings us.  

Congratulations to all these amazing artists and noble human beings.  

The world needs more authentic and brilliant movies like this one.

Viva nuestra cultura y música latina !!! ❤


sábado, 19 de junho de 2021



This song stirred all my senses.  

This video clip is my perfect definition of contemporary art.  

I love your music and your music videos so much, Banks.  

I loved it.  

If you want to talk to me at 03:00 am, just send me a message.  

I'm always awake at this time.  

You know I work hard.  

I have to keep all these souls lit.  

Anyway, I love your new music video.  

This song is amazing.  

I'm loving this new chapter in your story.  

This era will be epic.  

Congratulations, sweetheart ❤👹

Love u ❤ Banks 👑


Songs for the Revolution 💙👑


Songs for the Revotion - Marieme

The world needs to hear you, your voice and your music.  
The world needs this awareness and this strength.  
You bring the power of music through your voice.  
This world really needs your music, your light and your courage.  
You are an authentic and very talented artist.  You are a noble human being.  
You represent the voice and strength of all people who still suffer oppressed in the darkness of inequality and injustice.  
You are making a difference in this unequal world.  
How nice it would be if more brave voices joined you.  
We will only have a better and fairer world if we fight for it.  
Congratulations on your beautiful album and the beautiful message you are bringing to the world.  
We are together in this fight.  
May God bless you and your bright and brave soul.

Love u 💙 Marieme 👑
