quarta-feira, 27 de julho de 2022

Um recado para os Gaúchos 💚❤💛


Meus queridos conterrâneos, eu estou atualizando as minhas redes sociais para divulgar o meu trabalho artístico e literário aqui no Rio Grande do Sul. 

Eu quero agradecer o carinho e a gentileza que eu recebo dos gaúchos. 

Eu fico muito feliz quando vocês vêm conversar comigo e compartilhar o meu blog e os meus poemas. 

É uma grande satisfação conversar com vocês e compartilhar o meu trabalho com vocês aqui no Sul.

Muito obrigado pelo carinho e o apoio de vocês. 

Isto significa muito pra mim.

Eu represento o Rio Grande do Sul. 

Eu tenho muito orgulho da nossa terra e da nossa gente. 

O Blue Fantasma é Gaúcho! 

Um forte abraço a todos os  gaúchos e gaúchas. 

Um abraço especial para todos os estudantes da UFRGS, da PUC, e de todas as universidades do Rio Grande do Sul. 

Obrigado por compartilhar o meu trabalho. 

Nós precisamos ter mais universidades públicas para que todos os jovens gaúchos tenham a oportunidade de ter um futuro melhor. 

Nós também precisamos ter mais hospitais públicos e reformar nossos hospitais  para atender as comunidades carentes da nossa cidade e do nosso Estado. 

Nós só teremos um futuro melhor para todos os Gaúchos se nós investirmos em Saúde e Educação. 

Isto deve ser prioridade. 

Nós precisamos pensar no futuro. 

Estamos juntos nesta luta por um Rio Grande melhor. 

Um forte abraço a todos 💙

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Blue Fantasma 💙🔮

segunda-feira, 18 de julho de 2022

A message to the future generations! 💙🔮


Eurythmics  🔮🎶

Believe in the magic of life and the miracle of love! ❤

Love u ❤ Annie 👑 and Dave👑

Thank you for giving us this masterpiece in the form of music. 

The world needs the miracle of love.

Blue Fantasma  💙🔮

Quotes 🔮


"True love is loving without wanting anything in return, because love never asks without having an answer.

"There will only be equality when human beings are no longer judged because of their color, their ideas and their choices.

Prejudice is one of the greatest evils of humanity.

Respect people and give them the dignity they deserve.  

There will only be equality when everyone sees and treats each other as equals.

"It's easy to judge others, it's hard to see your own imperfections.

"Believing that we are the only ones in the universe is the same as believing that there is only one fish in the ocean.

Blue Fantasma   💙🔮

domingo, 17 de julho de 2022

Back to the 80's 🔮🎶


U2   🔮🎶

When I heard With or Without You in 1987 I knew that day that U2 would be my favorite band of all time. 

U2 is the band of my heart and the best band in the universe. 

These music geniuses are cosmological artists. 

They are in a very high sphere of genius, talent and musicianship. 

U2 is not a band. 

U2 is a musical evolution!

Each album is a unique sonic experience with song lyrics that transcend our hearts and souls. 

This is what U2 means to me. 

I am very grateful to live in the same era as these noble human beings and talented artists. 

My life became much more beautiful with U2. 

These guys have been an inspiration to me since I was 12 years old. 

Thank you to my noble Irish brothers for making this world a more beautiful and musically ingenious place.

Blue Fantasma   💙🔮

Quotes 🔮


"Hope is the only seed that makes love bloom.

"The weakness of a body cannot be greater than the strength of a spirit.

"The great secret of happiness is not to see it as something unattainable.

"If women ruled the world, there would be no more wars.

Blue Fantasma  💙🔮

sábado, 16 de julho de 2022

My eternal jam 🔮👍


The Human League   🔮🎶

When I was breaking up with my girlfriends in the 80's I would listen to this beautiful song from the Human League. 

This song has always been my Jam. 

This is one of my favorite songs of all time. 

I think I'm really going back in time. 

I'm listening to this song again now and it makes me very emotional. 

I don't have any girlfriend to hug me. 

I know I made some mistakes but I'm only human. 

Anyway, I hope you all are enjoying going back in time with me. 

I can't go back to the 80's, but I can bring the 80's back. Music has this magic. 

I will bring all these noble artists and human beings back. 

This is to inspire new and future generations of music and pop culture. 

I hope this brings a lot of light, inspiration and hope to all of you. 

I heard all these amazing songs in the 80's and now I'm sharing it with you. 

We are all in this time machine together.

Blue Fantasma  💙🔮

Back to the 80's 🔮🎶


Michael Jackson   🔮🎶

Show - 16 - 07 -  1988

If you really want to revolutionize music then you need to learn from this guy. 

MJ isn't just the biggest pop icon in music history, he's one of the biggest phenomena in music and pop culture. 

Michael is like a comet of light that passes the earth only once every 1,000 years. 

For you to become a real legend you need to have a lot of light and a lot of talent. 

I saw what this iconic artist did. 

I am a witness to the musical and cultural revolution that MJ has made on this planet. 

The most iconic music videos and choreography in the history of music were made by him. 

That's how you make a cultural revolution. 

That's how you become a legend. 

I am very grateful to have lived through this golden age and to have seen this noble artist make history. 

I learned a lot from this guy. 

Thank you Michael! 💙

The king of pop lives forever! 👑

Blue Fantasma  💙🔮

Back to the 80's 🔮🎶


2Pac   🔮🎶

Snoop Dogg   🔮🎶

Dr. Dre   🔮🎶

80's Hip Hop Classics and Rarities 🔮🎶👇

JJ Fad   🔮🎶

 Heavy D And The Boyz    🔮🎶

Cypress Hill  🔮🎶

Blue Fantasma  🔮🎶

Quotes 🔮


"If you think Andy Warhol is one of my biggest inspirations then you're fucking right.  

I always learn from the great masters!  

You will only be able to make a cultural revolution if you start a revolution!

"If Snow White hadn't bitten the apple she wouldn't have kissed the prince.

"Life without love is like a poem without lines.

"The best answer is the one that time gives

Blue Fantasma   💙🔮