Crowded hospitals, people getting sick, people dying.
Until the vaccine reaches everyone in the world, this will be our reality.
So if you have the privilege of being safe inside your home, well and healthy, then thank God that you had a great year.
The privileged are always luckier than the "ordinary" people.
This will always be part of humanity.
The balance of inequality will always be here to remind us of this.
This is our reality, but it is never too late to change this.
I still have hope.
I still dream of a better and more just world.
A world where all human beings love each other, take care of each other, respect each other, learn from each other, and see each other as equals.
This was the reason I created this damn blog.
I know this is an impossible dream, but I still believe in a better and more just world.
Perhaps this virus came to teach us that lesson.
In the universe, nothing happens by chance.
Often chaos must come in order for us to find order.
If faith is low, then the universe will manifest so that you can increase your faith.
Sometimes this comes in the form of a deluge, or a cosmic cataclysm, and it can also come through a lethal virus.
As I said: Order needs chaos to stabilize.
On this karmic planet this is not so simple.
This does not depend only on your faith. It also depends on the love you have in your heart. And the best way for you to prove it is through your good deeds.
Whoever has hatred, resentment, prejudice, and malice in the heart, will never be able to give this proof.
If you are not able to love other people, respect differences, and reach out to help those in need, then you will never be able to learn this lesson.
Love is the greatest lesson of this life.
If you are in this world then it is because there is a reason for this.
You choose whether you want to evolve through this universal love, or whether you want to continue in chaos.
You are free to choose.
If all that is happening in our world does not matter to you, then you have already made your choice.
This means that the virus has won.
All the lives that have been taken and all the people who are sick are of no importance to you. Your privilege will continue.
You will continue to live in your petty and selfish world.
You will never learn this lesson, but remember that next time you come back you may not have these same privileges.
The world spins and the universe manifests itself so that balance can restore order.
God is very wise.
The stars, and everything that has light and life in this world and in the universe do not exist by chance.
You decide whether to follow this light or stay in darkness forever.
I've been here for 4 years. I've been wearing this mask for 4 years.
I started social detachment before it all started.
I have had many distance relationships over the past 4 years.
I have never been able to hug or be physically with these people, but this has not stopped me from loving these people and changing and inspiring their lives through the love that is in my heart.
If I was able to do this, then you are also able to do it.
Love is the greatest lesson of this life.
You just need to open your heart to learn this lesson.
This is the inspiration.
Merry Christmas to everyone, and may the next year be better than the one that is leaving.
Let's be optimistic, let's keep our faith and our hope.
Let's take care of each other.
Only together can we overcome not only this virus, but all the evils and injustices in this world.
This is not a traditional Christmas song, but it is one of my favorite songs.
I feel hope in my heart every time I hear this beautiful song.
I hope that this same hope and feeling can be in everyone's heart this Christmas.
Magic exists so that we can believe in the magic of life 🔮
Violência contra as mulheres além de ser um crime covarde é um ato contra a humanidade. Quero prestar todo o meu apoio, respeito, solidariedade e consideração a Dani Calabresa e a todas as mulheres do Brasil e do mundo.
Por mais que a grande mídia tente encobrir isto, jamais conseguirão esconder a verdade.
Uma verdade cruel que feri covardemente a integridade das mulheres.
É preciso dar um basta nisto!!!!!
Lugar de essediador e estuprador é na cadeia. Estes criminosos disfarçados de "bons moços" não podem mais ficar impunes.
Nada justifica este ato de violência.
Esta barbárie não pode mais continuar.
É preciso criar leis mais rigorosas e severas para estes criminosos que assediam e estupram mulheres, pessoas LGBT, e crianças.
Estes crimes hediondos não podem mais ficar impunes.
O senado e o STF precisam unir forçar para banir este mal do Brasil.
É preciso revigorar estas leis e punir estes criminosos de maneira mais severa.
Se calar diante disso é ser cúmplice destes criminosos e de seus atos covardes.
Eu espero que o governo federal tome fortes medidas para combater este mal no Brasil.
É preciso dar um basta nisto!!!!!
Toda a minha solidariedade a Dani, que teve coragem de expor isto e não se calou diante de toda essa hipocrisia e machismo que todo mundo sabe que existe, mas a maioria finge que não sabe ou que não vê.
Eu espero que a tua coragem inspire as mulheres que sofreram e ainda sofrem com este tipo de abuso.
Todas essas vozes que estão sufocadas precisam ser ouvidas.
Não tenham medo nem vergonha de dizer a verdade.
Se você sofreu ou está sofrendo por causa disso não fique em silêncio.
As mulheres precisam se unir para que estes criminosos não fiquem mais impunes.
Vocês tem todo o meu apoio, consideração e respeito.
O que aconteceu em Porto Alegre ontem, acontece a cada minuto no Brasil e no mundo. O racismo e o preconceito ainda continuam condenando e matando covardemente as pessoas. É muito triste celebrar o dia da consciência negra no Brasil com esta mancha de sangue que hoje cobre as notícias no nosso país. Nada justifica este ato covarde e criminoso que custou a vida de um ser humano. Isto prova o quanto ainda precisa ser feito, e o quanto é preciso lutar para acabar de vez com o racismo e os preconceitos que ainda imperam em nosso mundo. Enquanto houver ódio, intolerância, raiva, preconceito e maldade na mente e no coração dos seres humanos, será impossível ter paz e igualdade na humanidade. Até quando este mal irá governar este mundo? Esta na hora de dar um basta nisto, e usar a consciência negra para inspirar todas as consciências no Brasil e no mundo. Nós só seremos capazes de lutar por igualdade se nos respeitarmos como iguais.
I would like to be able to stay hidden in a cave so as not to see this shameful news spread around the world.
But in this case I need to agree with Plato, this does not mean that I do not agree with Descartes either. The cave myth is real.
What makes me deeply frustrated is living in a world where the negationism and irresponsibility of some government officials still prevailed.
If this pandemic were a new version of the 7 biblical plagues, then we would all be literally fucked.
This does not mean that we are not.
With the Negacionism and irresponsibility of some world leaders, we are on our way to this.
A new wave of the virus is arriving in Europe and appears to be stronger than the first wave.
In the USA, the current president is still trying to find a gap in the parallel universe to justify his clear and expressive defeat in the American elections.
He acts like a spoiled child who has lost the right to play Darth Vader at his amusement theme park.
This is pathetic and completely irresponsible.
Putting your vanity and ego above your responsibilities is one of the most unworthy acts that exists.
This is shameful and irresponsible.
For God's sake, we are in the middle of a pandemic.
Thousands of people are getting sick and dying around the world, and this is getting worse and worse.
This is not the time to be negationist and irresponsible.
This is the time to join forces to fight for humanity.
This is the time to listen to scientists so that we can find a more effective way to prevent this virus from spreading.
We still don't have the vaccine, and until this vaccine reaches everyone, we have a long way to go.
This vaccine is to save people's lives, not to be used as a political trophy.
It does not matter in which country or government this vaccine was made.
The most important thing is to protect and save people's lives.
We live in a world with more than 7 billion people.
All of these lives matter !!!!!
The current American government and other world leaders who still believe in the supremacy of dictatorial power should reflect on this.
We live in a globalized and pluralized world, where all lives and ethnicities matter.
We are no longer in the Jurassic era, or in the Middle Ages, when everything was decided with a bloodstained sword.
It is necessary to have coherence and rationality so that these responsibilities can be fulfilled. This is an obligation of all governments in this world.
That's what diplomacy is for.
So that everyone can agree with the measures that need to be made.
This is the time to act and not to be irresponsible and negacionist.
This is the time for all governments to come together so that we can find a better way to beat this pandemic.
This is the time to be kind to each other.
This is the time to put our differences aside, and help each other.
Only together and united will we be able to win this war against this invisible and lethal enemy.
I hope that the current American government will make a peaceful transition and that the two American presidents will be able to bring their experiences and ideas together to find a better way for America and the world.
It doesn't matter who won or who lost.
The most important thing is to save people's lives.
This is what a ruler has to do in order to be blessed by his nation.
This is the most noble act that exists for a president.
May this be an example for all the leaders of the world.
When we exercise democracy we are exercising the people's right.
Nothing can be greater than this right.
The people have the right to choose their leaders and they also have the right to demand from their leaders the necessary changes to have a more just country.
Whoever rules for the people must respect the rights of the people.
Whoever rules for the people must honor the nation and make this strength and spirit a greater good for everyone.
Whoever is elected by the people must honor and fight for his people.
Anyone who goes hand in hand with democracy will always be blessed by the spirit of their nation.
Whoever has the right to vote has the right to fight for what he believes and for what is fair.
This thing that happened in the USA is an example for everyone.
This is the power of democracy.
When we use our vote consciously and wisely, we have the power to change our country and inspire the world.
There is a big difference between presenting a reality show and running a nation.
For the past 4 years the world has seen a reality show mixed with a horror movie.
If this is not the greatest shame of the American nation then it is undoubtedly one of the darkest chapters in American and world history.
The leader of a nation cannot have his ego greater than his virtue.
The leader of a nation must protect its people and not make its people suffer.
The leader of a nation must love its people and make this love an example to the world.
The leader of a nation cannot be arrogant, pretentious, prejudiced, ignorant, and authoritarian.
Perhaps this is why Biden and Harris won today.
God always blesses the good spirits on this earth.
God always shows the way that the people must follow.
May God bless and illuminate the steps of the 46th President of the USA, Joe Biden, and the Vice President of the USA, Kamala Harris, so that together they can bring the necessary changes to America and the world.
May this serve as an example for all the leaders of the world and may they all unite so that we can transform this world into a better and more just world.
A world where everyone has the same rights and is respected for their choices and ideas.
A world where skin color, ancestry, gender or religion is not synonymous with prejudice.
A world where the most needy peoples can have the opportunity to have a dignified life and future.
A world where our forests, oceans, nature, and animals are protected and preserved as they deserve.
A world where science and ecological awareness go together so that the well-being and integrity of all humanity is preserved and guaranteed.
A world without wars where we can celebrate the life, love and peace of all nations.
I hope that this light and awareness that today illuminates America can inspire the minds and hearts of all the people of this world.
Only united and with love in our hearts will we be able to evolve with our Planet.
This song and this music video are incredible.
This video clip is a true visual work of art.
Your vision is very genuine and creative, Lisa. 🎥👍
You masterfully directed this music video.
I hope to see you directing films and series soon.
Are we talking about a Dark sequel?
So Netflix?
I'm waiting 🙋
Congratulations to my talented friends from Germany.
Congratulations, BTS for # 1 on the Billboard hot 100 👑🎵
This is a great achievement.
It's really cool to see this beautiful chapter of music history written by you guys.
Music is like love ❤
It has no borders.
The love that exists in my heart is my strength!!!!
This is what inspires me and gives me the courage to move on.
It is this strength and courage that causes me to destroy any obstacle or wall that is placed in front of me.
My faith is greater than any mountain.
My steps have always been steady on that path.
This is not about being the best or the most privileged.
This is about being honest.
This is about being kind.
This is about loving others and fighting for others without expecting anything in return.
This is about being a better human being and making this inspiration a good thing to inspire this world.
It was always about this.
This is about love.
If you have never been able to perceive this then it is because you have never been able to see what is in my heart.
I didn't get here because I am the best or the chosen one.
I got here because I was always able to see the light that God illuminated in my heart. This is all I have to say about it.
Finally, good and positive news in these dark days.
The world needs strong, capable, and courageous people to bring about the right changes to improve this world.
Senator Kamala Harris is one of these strong, capable, and courageous women.
America and the world needs this change.
The time has come to make this happen.
I was facing the dragons
Using only a sword
I used the fire to make my shields
My enemies knew when I was coming
The sky was as red as the blood of battles
Several temples were illuminated by my light
I opened the seas
Lifting only one arm
I brought the lightning into the desert
When there was no hope
My hands wrote more stories
What stars existed in the sky
I was in the middle of everything
When everything was nothing
I danced around the bonfires
The dances that only the soul is capable of dancing
My eyes reached the beginning of the light
When everything was dark
Many times I've been a hero
No need to show my face
My eyes were always
Where the truth was
I heard the mermaids singing in the oceans
When all was silence
I felt the wind blow in the trees
When the sky turned blue
I felt it in my heart.
What all hearts felt
When everything was sadness
I cried the same tears of pain
I saw the golden gates open
When all was glory and splendor
I saw the lions rise
Like giants in the sand
I've seen everything the eyes can see
I have lived everything that a life is capable of giving us
I learned all the spells that the universe is capable of teaching
But now, in the face of love
I realize that I know nothing.
If you cannot express the love that you feel in your heart, then this is not honest.
You will only truly love if you live this love intensely without caring about the eyes that are on these walls.
You will only love honestly if you are honest with yourself.
Do not be afraid to say that you love, and that you are also loved.
O melhor grupo de samba do Brasil, na minha humilde opinião.
Verdadeiros mestres do samba e da harmonia
A música brasileira precisa resgatar suas raízes e trazer essa era de Ouro de volta
Esses tesouros da música brasileira não podem mais ficar escondidos no fundo do oceano.
Esta é a melhor maneira de celebrar o dia dos pais no Brasil
Feliz dia dos "Paisis" para todos os pais do Brasil e do mundo 👑 💚💛💙🎵